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Grounding + Anchoring Tools for 2023

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No matter what you’ve journeyed through or where you’ve arrived from, there’s always a blessed, higher, more profound place of support to ground and anchor into. Join Lalah for a gentle yet empowering guided walkthrough of ‘grounding and anchoring tools for 2023’ and the energetics present and ahead.

Find your covering; find your grounding; find your anchoring; find your way. 

Your power is evolving.

Covered in this class

  • Re-evaluate what success means to you. Find new ways of measuring progress that are meaningful to you. 

  • Set intentions for your new cycle and timeline — to access journey-specific support, insights, protection, and power. 

  • No matter what you’ve journeyed through or where you’ve arrived from, even more support is available to you now.

  • Practice gratitude and be mindful of the present moment - it's easy to get lost in the future or past, but the present is where true

  • Change what feels like it’s time to change, shift, and burn off. Change requires change. 

  • Ground through the energetically of activities that bring you  high vibrations such as peace, joy, love, balance, joy, and empowerment (e.g., creative practices, spiritual practice/music/prayer/devotion, singing, movement, nature sounds, writing, inspirational films/books, creative expression, etc.)

  • Ground into what is true for you and move through fear and negative self-beliefs, thoughts, and talk. Be unapologetically liberated more and more. 

  • Mindfulness is the vessel that our soul is moving through for a higher purpose.

  • This is a year of reevaluation and doing things differently. Where are you looking to grow and expand or embody new energetics?

  • Utilize the energies that are here to support you in whatever ways you may need.

  • When you don’t feel like you have access to your tools, return to your breath to access your power, tools, and support. 

Supportive Words

Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions



Signaling a New Timeline, by Lalah Delia