My Reflections on Restoration of True Identity
Restoration of Your True Identity: Personal Written Reflections + Declarations
Lalah shares her personal process and experience with the restoration of her true identity and offers a view into her personal, professional, and spiritual experience and journey.
Restoration of Your True Identity Reflections:
Lalah shares her personal process and experience with the restoration of her true identity and offers a view into her personal, professional, and spiritual experience and journey.
Restoration of Your True Identity Declarations:
Unravel the layers of experience, conditioning, and societal programs that may have clouded or distorted your sense of self through declarations.
Fig. 1 She emerged through it all transformed.
During my formative years, I found myself wandering through the labyrinth of life, navigating a deep sense of perplexity. I was lost, not in the physical sense but within the depths of my own identity. Life felt much like stumbling around in the dark.
There was guilt and shame for not knowing who I was, for being lost, and for being a late bloomer. I even carried guilt and shame for many of the things that happened to me that were beyond my control.
Like countless others, I was drawn away from the sanctuary of my true identity during my tender years. There were multitudes of distractions, and I succumbed to their allure and magnetic pull. The distractions varied from people, challenges, pain, and experiences that deflected me from the path of self-awareness. Consequently, my true essence was gradually eclipsed, fading into the shadows of my distractions and experiences.
What I’ve discovered is that if we aren’t aware of who we truly are, if we aren’t living in our authentic power, and if we don’t have a dedicated teacher/mentor at a young age when we are most impressionable while experiencing various distractions and experiences, our true identity can be programmed out of us, shamed out of us, disciplined out of us, scared out of us, mocked out of us, abused out of us, traumatized out of us, bullied out of us, neglected out of us, and manipulated out of us.
Even with well-intentioned parents by and on our side, they are up against current cultural influences, shifting energetics and dynamics in the world, and the enigmatic and mysterious circumstances and experiences that await our soul on our unique soul path in life. God help them!! God help us!!
I’ve come to the awakened awareness that a parent or a trusted person in a young person or young adult’s life has to assume the role of a mentor or master teacher, like Yoda, from Star Wars. Having a clear understanding of this now, I embody this role for my children and many others through my work as part of my divine assignment and higher calling.
So what this looks like, for example, is as a parent, you become Yoda, your children are Jedi, and you train them on how to master the force within, how to be a hero in their own lives, how to overcome the dark side, and how to awaken and reclaim the mighty inherent power and identity within themselves.
This role of a mentor or a master teacher within a young person's, as well as an adult’s life is of paramount importance.
If we don’t have this mentor in our lives early on, we will manifest it on our path to self-realization. This is what the hero’s journey is all about; it’s coming home to your true nature and being powerfully guided along the way. It’s a very mystical process and happens at various unique stages for everyone. When the student is ready, the teacher appears, and the path and you unfold.
My teachers were many. As a youth, my father and grandmothers planting seeds that would lay dormant and latent for years, but eventually, they would take root when I was on my own in the world. And as a young adult, I had as a mentor who we called Dr. B!! These were my Yodas.
REFLECTion Corner
Who are your teachers, guides, or mentor?
Take a moment to reflect upon your own journey.
Who is your Yoda or Yodas, both past and present, who have assumed or continue to assume the mantle of mentorship in your life?
Supportive Quote
“This is what the hero’s journey is all about; it’s coming home to your true nature and being powerfully guided along the way. It’s a very mystical process and happens at various unique stages for everyone. When the student is ready, the teacher appears, and the path and you unfold.”
Latent skills can be seen as various facets of human potential waiting to be unveiled and harnessed. They are like hidden treasures in the depths of our being, waiting patiently to be awakened and utilized. These inherent abilities may initially remain lurking in the shadows, smoldering quietly within us, yet their true power and potential lie dormant, waiting for the right alignment and circumstances to be awakened. Often suppressed by societal norms or our own fears, these underlying talents and abilities are unrealized, veiled gems that have the potential to enhance and expand our lives and contribute to the world in meaningful ways.
These unrealized and dormant abilities are part of our true identity.
My latent skills began to awaken once I was deep into my healing journey and unveiled all the more once I embraced my higher purpose work and true calling. They continue to unveil themselves to me.
Some of my awakened skills include writing about spirituality, speaking in public, leading others, guiding people spiritually, running a business, being mentally strong, being emotionally strong, maintaining balance, being a positive parent, and having special abilities like communicating with spirits, interpreting dreams, understanding truth, and gaining higher knowledge.
Some of my awakened latent skills are spiritual writing, public speaking, leadership, spiritual guidance, entrepreneurship, mental strength, emotional strength, equanimity, high vibrational parenting, and spiritual and intuitive gifts such as channeling as a vessel and conduit, recognizing and deciphering patterns, dream interpretation, decoding energetics, spiritual discernment, and access to higher insight and connection through the divine realm. All of these skills are part of my true identity and have been residing within me all along. Some were used here and there unconsciously throughout the years, but now, all of these skills and abilities are accessed consciously as a vital part of my daily life path and work.
Looking again at the Jedi warriors who possess the untapped potential to conquer life's challenges while embodying their true power is a perfect reflection for us all. Awaken Jedi, it’s time to put the latent power and skills that reside within you to use.
All in all, may everything lead us back to the core of our true identity, and may we embody who we truly are.
My mentioned abilities were dormant and latent for years until circumstances compelled them to take root and shape in my life and in the world.
My personal evolution has been a restorative journey home to my true identity. I stopped living under the spell of forgetfulness and fear and from behind boundaries that were never mine to begin with.
As we awaken, rise, cut the cords of anything that does not serve us or represent our higher good and truth, and courageously move forward, taking our identity back and living and embodying it, we access a whole new dimension of ourselves, of life, and of the divine realm.
Your soul is here to make divine moves; restoring your true identity is how you do it.
When you start shifting into your true identity and embodying it, everything begins to shift. The molecules within and around you begin to shift and move differently. The hurt caused by others dissolves more and more with the right steps and path. The bigger the pain, the bigger the calling, and the bigger the steps of faith you must take. Taking bigger steps moves us farther and farther awaaaayyyy from false identities and restrictive timelines.
Restoring who we are is beautiful medicine for the heart and also for the world. The true you carries divine attributes you are here to share.
In the sacred restorative process, allow time for your body to catch up to your true identity. It may feel awkward, off, unwell, and achy at times. It housed a whole other identity, possibly many. It carries memories and automatic responses based on experiences and programming. It will shift with you, but it may take time to adjust and compute to the new programming and restoration. It takes time to restore who you are.
The goal is to recover your sense of self. And redefine your personal identity separate from what has caused disempowerment.
This calls for an energetic and spiritual release of who you are not or who you have outgrown and a return home to self.
This restoration also calls for an ethic uncoupled from limiting systems of belief and defeat.
An evolving life and healthy spiritual path are not about becoming stifled by the experiences and daily weather in it, but rather, rising into better, wiser, and more magnetic and expansive versions of ourselves in spite of all of it.
When we don't journey in grace and integrate into our embodiment and mindset, we can become overwhelmed by the various thoughts, vibrations, energies, experiences, liminality, and metaphorical weather and terrains of life. This is why it is vitally important to settle it in your heart, soul, mind, and subconscious mind that equanimity, grace, and divine worth are yours now. You are worthy as you grow and restore.
Replace all guilt energy with self-compassion, self-kindness, self-determination, and, most essentially, courage and changed behavior by moving forward through it all.
Be mindful of whether your daily energy is used for supporting an identity that isn't true to who you are instead of supporting the true identity you're being called to embody, manifest, and expand into.
Beyond all conditioned behavioral patterns, your titles, social culture, emotional pain, and absorbed energy and projections dwells your soul’s true nature.
Most of our power and self-worth struggles arise from not knowing who we are. The primary cause of self-identity challenges is the forgetfulness of our origins. We did not arrive on this planet without a cause or a higher purpose. We are part of a bigger picture. The more closely we identify ourselves with the rest of life’s divine higher purpose, the more quickly we align with our true identity. From here, we’ll be able to discover higher wisdom and a sense of divinely aligned action, embodiment, guidance, and direction.
We can make subconscious reprogramming commands to override the auto-pilot mind (the subconscious mind) where stored memory, fear, and shame all lodge while running the show and calling shots in our lives. Their goal is to stay in control of our lives through their lower power system. We keep overriding the system, our subconscious mind, until we eventually clear the old programming and reprogram the subconscious mind to serve our higher good and guide us on a higher soul path. With this, consistency builds the muscles to a new life, timeline, and transformation.
Fear is reliant on our agreement, which is what keeps it thriving. Once we stop agreeing with it, it has no choice but to weaken its control and dissolve from our field of consciousness.
You are not responsible for other people's thoughts, judgments, or projections. Not taking things personally is how you take your power and identity back.
Fig. 2 You are a divine assignment on earth.
Reflections on How I overcame SHAME and Embraced My True Identity
With as many joyful stories, blessings, and memories I have to share and reflect on, there weren’t always easy breaths in my life. I was stifled by shame for fifteen long years, which evolved into paralyzing self-consciousness and stagnation. From this prolonged state, I became disconnected from my true identity and lived life far beneath my power.
After experiencing multiple forms of abuse and trauma and my life downward spiraling as a result, it felt like the shame was winning and making my life even worse to navigate.
But then, Divine intervention stepped in.
In the summer of 2007, after much deep soul discontent and prayer, the higher vibrational path of expanded spirituality emerged into my life like a reviving breath of fresh air, which included meditation, healing foods, plant-medicine/herbs, energy healing, sound medicine, lifestyle transformation, healthy boundaries, mindfulness, affirmations, subconscious reprogramming, self-compassion, and more. This expanded path, new from the path I was on, guided me directly to where I so deeply longed to be, home. And not home in a physical sense of the word, but back home to myself, my true identity.
I no longer stay hidden due to shame. The public version of me that most people see and experience today is a direct outcome of my expanded spiritual path and no longer allowing shame to stifle me, my mind, my life, or my higher potential. What felt like the most difficult thing to do, courageously shining my light and sharing my gifts, became the most healing and rewarding. The more that I allowed higher vibrations and purpose to rise in my life and guide me, the more shame dissolved. I have no doubt that shame does not get to have the final say in your life. As you continue expanding, shame will keep dissolving. You have a friend in me, and I’m rooting for you. Keep journeying into freedom from shame.
Freedom from Shame is a new meditation I have on Insight Timer. Listen here.
Open up to your true nature and allow it to guide you. Your true nature is divine; it is not any of the challenges you have experienced. It is sovereign and free, and it moves as such.
I wrote these words in Vibrate Higher Daily book, “Letting go of who I am not to become more who I am.” This is about coming home.
Coming home meant I had to let down my defenses, open my heart and mind, feel, and heal so that my true light, essence, and radiance would be revealed and restored.
I've come to understand that facing fear, breaking old habits, and shifting patterns isn't just about empowering our minds; it’s also about empowering and cultivating our embodiment. And high-vibrational embodiment is being devoted to your true identity.
It was through remembering and realizing who I truly am that I found the exit route to energetic troubles.
Access to the abundant potential that resides within us will illuminate our souls so much that as we restore our true identity, we experience a metamorphosis that keeps expanding and expanding.
Keep nurturing yourself and your true authentic nature. Respect your current heart and soul medicine. Whatever this is for you at this particular time, it’s your sacred support on your pathway home.
No longer associating yourself WITH LIMITS, OUTDATED TIMELINES, or LABELS
Creates paralysis and inertia
Suppresses your mind, energy, and spirit flow
Your daily energy is used supporting a life that isn't authentic to who you are anymore instead of the life you're being called to embody, manifest, embrace, and expand into.
Shame and fear can make us go along when we're meant to break the pattern and evolve
Solution: remember you are an unlimited soul with unlimited potential
Supportive Quote
“Letting go of who I am not to become more who I am.”
Fig. 4 You are a garden; tend to all of it.
I have arrived. I am home.
I integrate more and more of my authentic self, dissolving all else.
I release all versions of myself that no longer serve me.
I am no longer running from my power; I embrace it.
I now get to experience higher dimensions of myself.
I emerge from my experiences transformed and expanded.
Today, I choose power over fear and self-defeat.
My energy is free to support my true identity: life, mind, spirit, and soul.
My light is free to shine and expand in the world.
I am powerfully supported and guided.
More and more of my abilities and attributes are unfolding.
My latent skills are awakened and create stability and a flow of abundance in my life.
I have reverence for the divine gifts working through me and birthing in me.
My work and embodiment come from a place of love, higher purpose, devotion, authenticity, and courage, and not fear.
I have a brave heart, a strong heart.
Higher vibrations are manifesting in my life now.
I am empowered and blessed by The Divine.
I am free; I am me.
I embrace and embody my true identity daily.
Fig. 5 A word from Vibrate Higher Daily.
In Closing
Thank you for reading!! I invite you to chime in and leave a comment, thought, or question below ~
“The right patterns lead you home to your higher self and higher timeline. That’s how you’ll know.”
Supportive Tools, Reads & Mentions
Previous/Upcoming VHD Restoration of Your True Identity Content
Watch the Restoration of Your True Identity: Class replay
Watch the Restoration of Your True Identity: Practice replay
Watch the Conscious Pattern Shifting: Practice
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Inner Gardening Care, by Lalah Delia
Signaling a New Timeline, by Lalah Delia
Freedom From Shame, by Lalah Delia
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