Join Our Facebook Group

Fig. 1 New Year, New Vibrations

Fig. 1 New Year, New Vibrations


Private VHD Facebook Group

Let’s Stay all the More Connected

~ A group by Lalah Delia, author, spiritual writer, wellness educator, and founder of Vibrate Higher and Author of Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power

Vibrating higher daily is how you take your power back. Each day, living your power and journeying in grace is essential for reaching a higher potential and greater reality. This is how each of us rises above and beyond; into higher vibrations of ourselves and the world.

I'm super excited to journey with you in this private group. Please make yourself at home and let's keep the community full of mutual love, high vibrations, mindfulness, and respect. We’re excited to see all that you will share in the group.


To get the most out of the space, we ask that all content be related to the topics and message of vibrating higher daily, journeying in grace, living your power, mindfulness, and any like minded subject matter.

As always, journey in grace.

This is a private group for social learning and support.