Take Up Space
Soul + Vibration + Spirit
As you continue on your journey of vibrating higher daily, you will realize that it is not just a personal transformation but also a divine calling to occupy your rightful place in the world. Taking up space is an integral part of personal growth and evolution, as it allows you to step into your true potential and fulfill your calling and higher purpose.
You may feel apprehensive about venturing outside of your comfort zone or assuming your power in certain situations or relationships. We often underestimate ourselves, doubt our qualifications and worth, or fear the judgment and mockery that may come our way if we boldly shine our light and power.
Nevertheless, I’ve gratefully come to understand that the opinions and perceptions of others are nothing to take personally and should no longer deter us from taking up space or expressing ourselves authentically. In fact, by relinquishing the need for validation from others, we liberate ourselves and become even more empowered to occupy the space we were meant to inhabit.
Remember, the gift and brilliance that reside within you have a higher purpose. By embracing your personal power and fearlessly traversing new spaces, you not only honor this purpose but also serve as a conduit for its manifestation in the world.
Your mere presence in this world is a testament to the limitless possibilities that lie within each of us. So, step forward, unapologetically shine your light, and as you do so, watch how you inspire others to embrace their own journey of self-discovery and expansion. And certainly, watch how much your life expands and thrives forward.
”Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
–Mary Ann WIlliamson
Taking Up Space
Talking Points
Collectively and individually, looking for ways to take up space.
Take up space in new areas, not just in your comfort zone areas.
You have an inherent right to take up space. You are qualified.
A soul level, radiate and represent your divine calling and path, and take up space.
Take up space and stand in your authentic light, power, path, and higher calling around family and friends.
There are times when it’s best to stop taking up space in environments that don’t serve you. Place your energy towards what’s more aligned and supportive.
When you feel overwhelmed, do more of what makes you vibrate higher and feel empowered again.
Embrace and embody your higher, divine calling. Take up space as a conduit and vessel in the world. Shine your light and share your gifts. Stand in your authentic path, power, and voice.
Take up space spiritually. Connect and align with The Divine. Saturate, purify, and protect your space with sacred higher vibrations.
Where are you taking up space?
Where are you desiring to take up space and stand more in your power?
Where are you playing small or dimming down your true light?
Who inspires you? How is this person standing in their power and taking up space?
How will you take deliberate and intentional action towards taking up space this season?
Supportive Practices
Here are some practices to help stand and live in your power:
Daily spiritual work
Introspection and self-reflection
Releasing who/what no longer serves you
Staying resilient
Remembering who you are
Nervous System Care
Mental wellness
Mentors and like-minded community who encourage you
Trusting in your gift and light
Not taking what other people do or think personally
“I always think that’s the most important thing—to feel like you belong in every room you’re in.”
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*Note: Excuse the audio in these classes. They were before we had our new mic and camera! Before we upgraded :)