Anchoring Ourselves in New the Energy

May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!

Anchoring Ourselves in New The Energy


Categories: High Vibrational Conduit | Expansion | Taking Care | Mind/Body | Spiritual Support | Energy Management

We are being asked to carry new energy.

This new energy is coming through in the form of pings, new thoughts, feelings, insights, guidance, direction, higher embodiment, and more. As your body takes in new energy and its transmission, your vibrational state and sense of well-being may fluctuate as you climatize to, work with, and retain the new higher energy.

Video replay


Discussion Chapters


Part 1: Opening

Part 2: What to Know

Part 3: What Look Out For

Part 4: 21 Solutions

Part 5: Q&A

Part 6: Closing

*Access chapters via the video control menu.




For some time, in this liminal space, you may feel different and not like yourself; you may even feel like you're losing your power while, in actuality, you're gaining more of it. Therefore, nothing is 'wrong'; sacred things are happening.

The new energy/s can inspire you to make subtle conscious or unconscious changes within your field daily, feel subtle changes in your body, or they can completely shock your system. This sacred time may even feel like a liminal suck, but it is nonetheless sacred and full of higher purpose.

In this new class, learn to ground in the new energy and power you're carrying and called to cultivate and harness all the more. Learn to hold it. Learn to come home to it properly, so you may use it as a powerful growing current vibrating in your life daily versus suppressing, opposing, blocking, or resisting it consciously or subconsciously. 

The new energy coming through needs an outlet, and you are the sacredly chosen conduit who can do it. Praise be!! See you in class. 


Class Notes

What to Know

  • For some time, in this liminal space, you may feel different and not like yourself; you may even feel like you're losing your power–while in actuality, you're gaining more of it. Therefore, nothing is 'wrong'; sacred things are happening. 

  • The frequencies can inspire you to make subtle conscious or unconscious changes within your field daily, feel subtle changes in your body, or they can completely shock your system. This sacred time may even feel like what we covered in our previous class, a Liminal Suck, but it’s nonetheless sacred and full of higher purpose.

  • If you don't have the proper support or people around you, you can feel like something is wrong with you versus having higher awareness that a higher timeline is coming through and having the adequate support to cultivate and protect it.

  •  As your body absorbs and assimilates more and more higher energy and its transmission, your vibrational state and sense of well-being may fluctuate as you climatize to, work with, and retain the new higher energy. 

  • Don't abort it. That past is a force that doesn't want to see its end come, and the future is a force that doesn't want us to abort it.

  • Your whole vibration needs to adjust to the higher new energy, reality, and timeline so you can enjoy it, thrive in it, harness it, use it, and sustain it.

What to look out for

  1. Ascension symptoms (flu-like symptoms, higher levels of anxiety and sensitivity, body and joint aches and stiffness, weight gain, sleep patterns thrown off.

  2. Feeling frustration that no one can relate to you or 'gets it'.

  3. Feeling alone or unsupported.

  4. Desiring to detach and set bug boundaries.

  5. How is the energy in your home?

  6. Are ego and subconscious programs and beliefs keeping you locked into the 3-D matrix reality and timeline?

  7. Are ego and an uncooperative or stubborn and rigid mindset towards change, growth, and higher guidance, keeping you from ascending to higher spiritual levels and embodying energy growth and maturity?

  8. Are you open to the 5th dimension, where all higher possibilities exist?

  9. This time is about grounding yourself in the new energy and power you're carrying and are called to cultivate and harness more and more of.

  10. This space is also for learning to hold higher energy and come home to it properly so you can use it as a powerful growing current vibrating in your life daily versus suppressing, opposing, blocking, or resisting it consciously or subconsciously.

Supportive Quote

At times, in the liminal space (the
in-between process), you may feel
different and not like yourself. You
may even feel like you’re losing
your power-while in actuality,
you’re gaining more of it.
Therefore, nothing is ‘wrong’;
sacred things are happening.
— Lalah Delia


21 Solutions

  1. Find your anchors. Find what supports the new energy and your transition, ascension, and liminal process. Pay attention to your biofeedback. Explore what your body needs to feel more balanced, stable, and anchored. Find and take note of what helps you manage your energy.

  2. Anchor in supportive higher vibrations and frequencies such as love, joy, mindfulness, grace, and compassion.

  3. Anchor new higher timeline energy. As you surrender to the path, it opens up to you all the more. Be mindful of whether you are honoring spiritual nudges and higher guidance or closed off to them and rigid.

  4. Anchor in prayer. When you pray for a thing, also pray for the strength, determination, and capacity to carry it and sustain it.

  5. Anchor into your body as the vessel and conduit. Balance your connection with mind, spirit, manifestation, and creative work by forming a higher connection and harmony with your body. Don't dissociate from your body or neglect it. Some practices for anchoring into your body as the vessel and conduit and becoming more accepting are regular physical movement, good hygiene and grooming, necessary healing protocols, self-love, body positivity, and affirmations, viewing yourself through a loving lens, breathwork, wellness baths to decompress and purify, somatic practice to move energy, integrating healing foods, herbs, and plant medicines, and journeying in grace, as always.

  6. Positive thoughts produce positive vibrations. Practice mindful speech. Speak positively about your body, life, and timeline. Reframe negative or defeating thoughts. Work to reprogram limiting beliefs so that positive vibrations can expand you.

  7. Resistant weight gain may actually be energy protection. For some people, weight gain can be your body's way of grounding and being able to hold more energy and light frequencies.

  8. Pay sacred attention to your intuition. Lean into your intuition all the more and any divine messages coming through other people or things. Spend time in solitude and silence to receive higher downloads and instructions.

  9. Allow the new energy to take shape. Your whole vibration needs to adjust to the higher, new energy, reality, and timeline so you can enjoy it, thrive in it, effectively use it, and sustain it. Do more of what helps you vibrate higher and vibrate in higher alignment. Give it time and grace.

  10. Find the energy challenges. What are your current challenges and energy themes? Observe and operate as the chemist and alchemist of your life.

  11. Recognize when it's time to go beyond standard approaches and practices. Don't shy away from doing the hard yet, necessary things that grow, shape, and cultivate you into your more evolved, upgraded, and expansive self.

  12. Ground daily to efficiently hold the new energies coming through and transmute energies that are not supportive to your field. On some days, the energies and transition will feel more intense than others. Keep grounding; keep taking care. I use Himalayan salt balls, essential oils, flower essences (clary sage for ground into new timelines and transition, California Poppy for grounding and birthing higher vision, Clematis to ground our energy in higher vibrations, rose to raise our vibration and feel connected to life. Essential oils I work with for anchoring are Geranium and eucalyptus, which are also helpful for grounding into equanimity and harmony. Apollo Neuro device, the sound of the elements, massage, touch, affection, heat/warmth, breathwork, meditation, movement, and mindfulness practice. Ground with an earth cord. Enter sacred waters in visual meditation. Allow the sun and earth's energy field to balance you and transmute any lower energies. Mother Nature and her elements heal.

  13. Practice equanimity to remain sovereign in your power and body.

  14. Create sacred space. The intention and vibration of your environment matters and impacts you and the energy.

  15. Integrate self-mastery and changed behavior.

  16. Preserve your energy where possible and called to.

  17. Reassure yourself. Although you may feel alone, awkward in this season, or unclear about the next steps and how the path will unfold, rest assured that you are taking steps in the right direction. Reassure yourself!!

  18. Apply patience and grace. Be mindful of becoming frustrated when your earth reality has not caught up to your higher visions and visual higher timeline. Give room for the liminal space and the liminal suck to complete their process.

  19. Apply pressure when necessary. This helps to balance the force of flow and stillness.

  20. Discover new high-vibrational ways to channel the new energy coming through. As you feel and experience higher currents of energy flowing within you, create outlets for them to be expressed. This portal for higher creative expression, spiritual birthings, and taking divine action is key to anchoring in the new energy and timeline.

  21. Be an alchemist. Alchemize fear into passion, stagnation into divine action, resistance into surrender, and experience into higher purpose.

Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions

Tools Mentioned

  • Himalayan Salt Massage Balls

    • Himalayan Salt Massage Balls are an energy gamechanger. They are well-known to greatly ground and balance the body’s electromagnetic field, central nervous system, and meridians/energy centers/chakras. Himalayan salt massage balls can be used at room temperature, hot, or cold. Negative ions are produced when heated, creating a sense of peace and a deeper sense of relaxation. When lightly heated, the salt melts away body stress by going deep into the muscles and loosening the joints. Other known and experienced benefits while warm or at room temperature are, calming muscle spasms, a sense of higher mental alertness, energy protection, a renewed mind and body, and promoting deep relaxation and sleep.

  • Flower Essences:

    • Clary Sage for grounding into new timelines and transition

    • California Poppy for grounding and birthing higher vision

    • Clematis to ground our energy in higher vibrations

    • Rose to raise our vibration and feel connected to life

  • Essential Oils:

    • Geranium and Eucalyptus are also helpful for grounding into equanimity and harmony, among many other benefits. Lalah uses them alone and also as a blend.

  • Devices

    • Apollo Neuro is a wearable device that helps your body recover from stress. Relax, sleep better, and feel better with scientifically sound touch therapy.

  • Meditation: