Subconscious Reprogramming: Reprogramming Fear, Doubt, Worry & Self-Esteem

May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!

Subconscious Reprogramming: Reprogramming Fear, Doubt, Worry & Self-Esteem

If ancient spirituality and its teachings, medicine shamans around the earth, and recent neuroscience discoveries have all taught us anything, agreeably and collectively, it’s that it’s not our words but our subconscious mind that’s running the show. 

You're sending out unconscious signals all day long. These signals tell the rest of the world around you: what to think about you, how to treat you, and how to respect your boundaries or not, what opportunities to send your way and they powerfully govern how effectively or not you manifest your desires and experience expansion and flow or contraction and blockage in life. 

Video replay

PT. 1: Class


Discussion Chapters


Part 1: Opening

Part 2: What to Know

Part 3: Journeying Deeper In

Part 4: Q&A *See Part 2*

*Access chapters via the video control menu.


PT. 2: q&a




The great news is that with the right shift, your subconscious mind WILL WORK WONDERS for you instead of working against you. It just needs the proper programming (operating system) in place to do so. 

Learn the implementation that will clear the subconscious of old programs and open you up to a whole new world and timeline of higher vibrational living and potential. 

A higher life and timeline are calling; learn how to signal back to it properly and with more personal power, authority, effectiveness, and intention. 

Your subconscious mind can either free you or hold you prisoner. The type of program it’s running off of determines the result.

If you’re ready to be free and rise higher and higher on multiple levels but just can't figure out how to do so, join Lalah in this class.

Are subconscious beliefs, fears, memories, habits, and programs holding you back or keeping you at a stagnant level?


Class Notes

What To Know

  • If your body or not well or if your hormones are imbalanced, or your health is compromised, it’s like fighting an uphill battle. 

  • The company you are around matters. Is all your energy going towards ‘fighting’ off stress from others?

  • We journey differently without stress in our lives. Release who is no longer serving you in a manner that is best. 

  • Doing hard things will change your life and set you free. 

  • Resist the temptation to live defeated and in perpetual stress. The powers of the world run society off of low vibrations and mind-altering energetics and seek to keep us distracted, docile, and to dim our light.

  • Learn to control your emotions. 

  • Work towards your purpose. The more you work towards your purpose, the stronger you become mentally and emotionally.

Create a sanctuary for yourself, preferably your home, but it’s it isn’t, have a place you can often visit to decompress. We all need a decompression chamber—a place to vibrate higher in.

  • What is blocking the path for you?

  • Who is blocking the path for you?

  • What hard thing can be done to clear the ready and allow you to come into ease and then power.

Get calm and your power and higher awareness will come. 

Research suggests that authenticity — understanding your real self, including your deep-level and conscious thought, emotions, beliefs, and values, and acting in a way that reflects these — may be one of the strongest predictors of well-being.”

Harvard Business Review

Journeying Deeper In

Covered in video:

  • Dimensional awareness/matrix awareness

  • Awaken of out the matrix

  • Stay aligned to a higher vibrational reality

  • You are a co-creator with the Divine. You can create a new self to experience a new timeline and reality

  • The past may definitely not be your fault, but it’s your responsibility to create a new timeline and experience

  • As we remove the emotional branding of experiences past and present, we live in equanimity, and negative emotions of the past or present can’t keep us blocked. From this free flow state, we connect to our higher embodiment, higher timelines, and to The Divine.

  • Exit ‘history and memory’ programming your new timeline comes from your power and decision to visualize and imagine.

  • Don’t take on the defeated mentality around you.

  • Clean your colon with the guidance of a qualified practitioner or health care provider

  • Detox

  • Know the lower traits of your energetics so you can overcome and transcend them. (Personality tests, character tests, astrology)

  • Know the higher traits of your energetics so you can master them (seek professional help or ask those close to you)

  • Confidence comes from doing more and more of what scares you. Give fear a job.

  • Don’t rely on outside validation

  • Worry energy and neurotransmitters

Supportive Quote

Reprogramming your subconscious mind is how you take your life and power: back.
— Lalah Delia

Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions