May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Spiritual Alchemy: Class
A sacred path and tool that wills a transformative experience within us and in our lives.
Class replay
Discussion Chapters
Ch 1: Intro
Ch 2: Grounding Practice w/India
Ch 3: Opening Words w/Lalah
Ch 4: About Spiritual Alchemy
Ch 5: The Practical Science of Alchemy
Ch 6: Spiritual Alchemy Reflection Practice
Ch 7: Spiritual Alchemy Within
Ch 8: Alchemical Stages to Know
Ch 9: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
Pt. 2
A class on transformation, inner-liberation, and change.
This theme revolves around the essence of embracing and discovering the higher purpose, personal power, and divine roles in transforming and transmuting ourselves, our energy, our circumstances, our pain, our experiences, our lives, our environment, and our paths.
About Spiritual Alchemy
As an added bonus: Read the Spiritual Alchemy Intro article
An inward psychological experience of change
Sometimes it’s disruptive, sometimes it’s smooth
With spiritual alchemy, your circumstances change based on how you see yourself.
Releasing comfortable attachments that stop you from changing, expanding, evolving, or being in divine flow is spiritual alchemy.
Question: Is there too much weight on you from current times or past times, metaphorically speaking? If so, it’s time to dissolve it all in the alchemical fire. I know you may have a lot of weight on you energetically. It’s time to dissolve the weight you are carrying. This is the alchemical timeline where you don’t have to carry it and can surrender it all to the sacred fire of spiritual alchemy.
The 3 Alchemical T’s: Transmutation, Transformation, and Transfiguration are the way.
The Practical Science of Alchemy
Separation from self; we can also say fragmentation:
Pioneering Analytical Psychologist Carl Jung recognized that in our rational and materialistic world, we are depriving ourselves of our inner world: the subconscious mind (which influences our being and is programmable; it influences our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors.)
The hyper-focus on the material and rational worlds can create an auto-pilot life of separation, fragmentation, and disconnection from our true soul identity, creating disempowerment, limitations, sabotaging, and self-sabotaging.
Yet, yet, yet and also, the subconscious mind is the key to success and you can reprogram it. Yes!! This part of the mind that controls everything is reprogrammable!!
The subconscious mind can either contract our lives or expand them, all based on what and how we feed it and pour into it.
The more we expand our subconscious mind, the more we rewire the brain and conscious mind and expand our life and reality.
Choosing change and transformation over stagnation and limitation is the goal of spiritual alchemy.
We are born integrated, disintegrate, and must reintegrate. This is the process of self-realization. Self-realization is a direct result of spiritual alchemy.
There’s no integration without disintegration (death and rebirth).
Wholeness is achieved through constant inner work.
Light is an acute state of consciousness that uncovers areas of the unconscious/subconscious mind, which are usually covered. Illumination is key. Seeking light is key. Being light is key.
Circumambulation: “The path to success and evolution is not linear; there is only a circulation of self.”—Carl Jung. To be in the center of oneself is to be relieved from anxiety, suffering, and hopelessness, which are the aspects of the rim of the circle, the temporal, for example, money, pleasure, fame, power, etc. Spiritual alchemy’s goal is to dwell from within the circle, the center of who you are.
Apetheia and equanimity’: Not to be confused with apathy, apetheia and equanimity are the mastery of one’s passions and emotions. Observation, instead of perception, calms our inner mind. Observe without absorbing.
Dichotomy of control: Focus on what is in your control, not out of it.
Apethia is a temporary state where people are in tune with their soul power. This can be seen in the archetype of the wise old woman or man. Drop into the wisdom of your soul. Access it and allow it to lead you.
Jung taught that “People are more likely to be affected by anxiety and inner suffering when they live on the rim of the wheel or the ego, where life becomes a vicious cycle.”
Being alone with oneself can lead to solitariness in the positive or loneliness in the negative. Solitude is sacred and an essential component of transformation.
Spending time alone with oneself and one’s subconscious mind can be a rich source of spiritual nourishment and is key to self-realization. It is only by confronting our subconscious that we become whole. As necessary, call yourself out, but love yourself through it.
Spiritual Alchemy Reflection Practice
Reflective Question
Ask yourself: In any aspect, do I experience a flawed or disempowered view and vision of myself, reality, relationships, circumstances, my ability and capability, or my life?
Reexamine and challenge the accuracy of your current vision, limitations, and limiting beliefs. Replace limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs.
Spiritual Alchemy Within
Embrace uncertainty and the unknown. Knowing you are not in control of life is how you take your power back. What you can control, is your actions and reactions. Realizing this is your sacred power.
Internal Locus of control: My power comes from within.
External locus of control: I give power away to things outside of myself.
Keep in mind at all times, the true power of alchemy comes from within you.
Resolve, grit, and flexibility of mind over rigidity help us embrace the call for change, redirection, and transformation. Therefore, it is vital to change your approach or outlook when/as necessary. Keep your mind and life fresh and in divine flow, not rigid or stagnant. Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh says,”If you look deeply at a flower, at its freshness and its beauty, you will see that there is also compost in it, made of garbage. The gardener had the skill to transform this garbage into compost, and with this compost, they made a flower grow.”
Alchemy is a process of spiritual ‘death and rebirth’. Death is really but a transformation and transition to a new experience and a new way of being in the world, in your life, and in your circumstances. It’s the hero's journey, which we are all here to partake in. In our hero’s journey, there is a call to adventure that leads to a confrontation with our own dragon or adversary, which are our own fears, limiting beliefs, patterns, and habits, or an avoided memory, person, goal, or task.
The reward of alchemy is accessing our treasure chest of inner gold, which is the death of our former self and the birth of a new capable self, with light and medicine to share with others.
Carl Jung, “Alchemy seeks to heal the suffering of the human mind and human soul.”
Alchemical Elements to Work With
Fire is our lower attributes and actions; this is where they burn away. This is also where the nurturing and fueling fire comes to our mind, heart, and body through nourishment, care, pouring into ourselves, devotion, and wisdom-seeking. The fire of transformation and the flower of rebirth are one and the same. Only truth survives the fire.
Water is the dissolution of the ego and immersion into the depths of the ocean, the subconscious mind, and the transition from solid to liquid, rigid to flow.
Earth is where spirit becomes flesh. Taking on the ego is of earth. Exposure to daily life and hard work solidifies our human personality, but not the soul’s. While the soul is not of Earth, it’s our powerful guide while here on our Earth journey. Earth is grounding when we are in mind/soul balance. It’s important to have a strong anchor in reality when interacting with the unconscious and not to get lost in abstract or ethereal thinking to the detriment of practical life, which leads to overthinking, depression, and melancholy. “When one takes responsibility by making one’s unconscious contents conscious, one is headed towards self-realization.” – Jung
The word humility’s Latin route is humus, which means earth, ground, and nutrient-rich. A humble person is “down to earth”. Humility, as a character trait, contains rich sources of nutrients that heal and sustain us.
Air is spirit. Reunion of the body with spirit is an elevating process, where lower vibrations or substances are transformed into higher forms through ascension. Vibrating higher! It’s like breathing pure mountain air after a difficult ascent. When we have a problem and look at it from a higher perspective, many times, it ceases to be a problem, as we gain heightened objectivity and perspective. This is a liberating process when you are balanced and not lofty, self-righteous, or stuck in the clouds. Sublimate the body and conjugate the spirit. Illusion binds us to a false sense of self, humanity, and limitation, and stifles us by seducing us to indulge in things that hamper the development of the soul. The spirit frees us and allows for disillusionment.
Alchemical Stages to Know
Spiritual death happens only when we have the courage to let go of our old ideas and limitations that are blocking our development so that we may open the door to new insight and transform into a new, higher-vibrational self.
We must be aware of our own subconscious and approach it in an honest manner. The subconscious is the ultimate guide in life, so awareness is key.
Decomposition/dark night of the soul is a crisis that leads to liberation only through inner work, change, and transformation, as well as isolation through sacred solitude. Illumination comes to lighten the darkness and lead us to recovery, which leads to rebirth.
Awakening is where the Phoenix rises from the fire.
Reunification is the holiness of self and reintegration. Our fragmented parts come together, and we become whole.
Alchemy reunites what has been separated, namely the conscious and subconscious, and our connection between authentic soul and self. Spiritual alchemy aims to reach mental and spiritual wholeness through inner union with all fragmented parts of ourselves. Spiritual alchemy is a homecoming.
Visualization is An alchemy Practice and Tool
It’s been documented that when athletes spend time visualizing themselves having the perfect game beforehand, they are more likely to have the perfect performance and game. This same thing can be applied across the base in life. Visualize yourself successfully doing, having, or being the thing before you actually do it. This is an alchemical process.
As a complement to this class, read the Spiritual Alchemy Intro article
“Sending love to the part of you that’s ready for change.”
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Power of the Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
Upcoming/Previous/Supportive VHD Content
Read Lalah’s Spiritual Alchemy Personal Written Reflections + Declarations
Download the Spiritual Alchemy Declarations + Journal Prompts PDFs
Watch the Spiritual Alchemy: Practice replay
Read the Spiritual Alchemy Intro article
Signaling a New Timeline, by Lalah Delia
A Journey Home, by Lalah Delia