Subject 12: Deep Emotional-Care — Vibrate Higher Daily

Subject 12: Deep Emotional-Care


Subject 12: Deep Emotional-Care

From nurturing yourself, navigating towards balance and healing, knowing what to do, how, and when, during heavy emotional times, and regaining your fire, zeal, creativity, connectedness, passion, and joy for life is the focus of this video.

We journey into supportive remedies and pathways for relieving the emotional body during times of stress, anxiety, grief, sadness, anger, mental fatigue, tension, and disconnect.


In this class, we journey into supportive remedies and pathways for relieving the emotional body during times of stress, anxiety, grief, sadness, anger, mental fatigue, tension, and disconnect.

Take all the time you need until you feel like you again.

Much love and emotional care to you!


  1. Process: Take time to heal and process so that the pain or stress is not the loudest voice within. 

  2. Slow Live/Slow Down: Slow living through the process is super supportive. Be okay with saying no, doing less, staying in more, getting still, going within, and connecting with your life in a new, more meaningful, process-able, and digestible way. Slow down to do more of what makes you feel like you again and whole again. Slow and steady!! 

  3. Don’t Rush The Process: As you would with a physical injury, emotional discomfort is best healed when dealt the same. Don’t rush your healing. Let it take all the time it needs.

  4. Take Time Away In Solace. Go to the (metaphorical) desert or mountains. Get quiet and alone to hear yourself more clearly. We’re influenced to treat alone time as a bad thing or punishment. Getting alone with ourselves, our process, and the divine is how we hear better and become more open to higher guidance. Listen to the pain and its guidance.

  5. Inner-Voice: So much of where we look for healing is outward. What happens when we truly turn our compass inward? Well, we become informed and even transformed by it. We begin to move through life more connected, more rooted, and more grounded in ourselves and in the world.

  6. Get It Out of Your Mind and Body: Let it out. Release it through journaling, writing, free-writing, free-recording, or physical movement. 

  7. Put Your Pain Into Physical Form: Exercise and physical movement break up stagnant energy in the body and help to remove lower energies in the body through sweat, deep breathing, and the removal of toxins (via sweat). Move it out. Sweat it out. Vibrate it out.

  8. The Nervous System The NS is our primary connection to this world and beyond it. It’s what connects our mind, body, and spirit. The NS has three main functions: to receive, interpret, and respond. When cultivated and listened to, it can become your own personal teacher and guide. Don’t neglect or ignore it. Stay in tune with it, and it will make sure you thrive and live a high-vibrational emotional life. 

  9. Healing Foods: Eat foods that support the nervous system. The wrong foods decrease NS function and throw it off balance, such as sugars, caffeine, chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors, and other stimulants and endocrine disruptors. The NS thrives on dark leafy greens, healthy proteins, healthy fats, root foods, minerals, and calming and supportive herbs and adaptogens. Explore the game-changing rabbit hole of any of these items that speak to you. Happy exploring!!

  10. Herbs and Plant Spirit Medicine For Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Mental Tension, and Fortification: Hawthorne, Lemon Balm, Kava, Valerian, Chamomile, Lavender, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Rose, Yarrow, and Clematis, are among many great ‘nervines’. There are many; however, these are the staples. Organic is recommended for medicinal properties. Plant spirit medicine can be used in tinctures, teas, tonics, flower essences, aromatherapy, massage, wound care, rituals and ceremonies, beauty care, body care, space care, and hair care.

  11. Plant Medicine Can Be Used In Herbal teas, Flower Essences, Aromatherapy, Tinctures, Tonics, and baths.

  12. Adaptogens supporting the NS and healthy brain function are Ashwagandha, Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and Gota Kola. For energy, Rhodiola and Cordyceps are great.

  13. Aromatherapy: use diffusers, diffuser stones, lava rocks, or nebulizers. Massage onto hands, body, and pressure points, inhale, place drops on pillows and bedding, and mix into bath water, bath, soaps, shampoos, hair oils, carrier oils, dish soap, and laundry soap. Organic oils are always best and pure and free of any nervous system stimulants and harmful chemicals in them.

  14. Working With The Elements: The elements comfort the NS. 

    1. Air – journey redirection and guidance, realizing a better direction to go in, breathwork, deep full breaths, breath is life, calming breaths, breathing out in nature. Peppermint, Rosemary, and/or Eucalyptus oil for deeper breaths that are healing, soothing, recentering, and calming.

    2. Water – honoring the divine flow of life, drinking clean living water such as Spring, Alkaline, and Ionized water (mineral drops can be added to drinking water to enhance absorption and increase mineral and electrolyte content), drinking herbal teas, having tonics, taking baths, doing water blessings, swimming in or sitting by the ocean, the sound of rain and ocean waves, being out near unpolluted flowing bodies of water such as rivers, streams, waterfalls, springs, and the ocean.

    3. Fire  candles, fireplace, symbolic burning of what no longer serves you, living a passionate life, purification by fire/alchemy, cleansing rituals, the sound of fire, heat, and warmth, warm tea, warm foods, spicy herbs and foods, warm blankets, heating pads. Cinnamon oil for wellness, mood-enhancing, and purification effects.  

    4. Earth – healing foods, herbs, plant spirit medicine, spending time in nature, barefoot grounding and earthing. Some of the oils for grounding and feeling connected to the earth and your current location are Vetiver, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Myrrh, Angelica, and Lavender. Take walks outdoors, touch a tree to connect. Pray over your land, home, community, and daily journey.

  15. Supplements – Vitamin B12, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, and D12 help to restore emotional balance and support the immune system. Vitamin D12 is also great for creative energy, enhanced sleep quality, and for healthy respiratory function. 

  16. Adrenal Fatigue – I love working with ‘Adrenal Support’ by HerbPham. Sold online or at natural markets.

  17. Medical Checkup for Chronic NS Concerns – Check thyroid function, adrenals, insulin levels, blood pressure levels, digestive imbalance, gut health, womb health, and hormonal health. Also, consider having vitamin deficiency testing and nutrient testing done to assess vitamin and mineral levels in the blood. In rare circumstances, finding out if you’re deficient in a particular mineral, for instance, copper, can be life-changing. This was the case for me. And the opposite can be true, whereas someone can have too much copper or an excess of other minerals in their body.

  18. Cut Out Stimulants – Stimulants spike cortisol levels, which activates your stress response, which sends the NS and hormonal system off balance. Artificial sugars, refined sugars, alcohol, street drugs, preservatives, and pesticides, are among many other NS and mood and hormone-disrupting stimulants.

  19. Hydrotherapy/Baths – Epsom salt, essential oils, and candles. Essential oils and herbs to work with are Lavender, Rosemary, Hops, Rose, and Eucalyptus, which are great all-around staples. There are too many more to mention here. Explore and have fun!!

  20. Sound Therapy: Energy Cleanse playlist here on VHD, also on Spotify, soothing and calming music, high vibrational music. Listening to your favorite music from your childhood is known to support mood relief and increase joy.

  21. Spiritual Connection – Stay aligned and fortified spiritually. This allows you to stay anchored to a Higher Power that will not allow you to get lost in the storms and waves of life and pain. Daily spiritual work in the early mornings is a powerful way to connect, ground into your power, and fortify. Check in with yourself and The Divine for a spirit re-up midday and in the evenings as well.

  22. Take time to recuperate and reset your energy daily.


What It Takes:


  • Honoring the process

  • Taking your time

  • Loving yourself through it

  • Listening to your inner voice

  • Supporting your nervous system through the many ways shared in class

  • Reprogramming your NS to thrive

  • Anchoring to a Higher Power


Class Quotables:


  • We all have access to a higher power and wisdom than ourselves, The Divine realm. Our inner voice is a powerful channel it uses to communicate. Take time to listen, feel, and hear what it has to teach you. The quieter and stiller you become, the better you can hear, sense, and vibrate into it.

  • Answers, or relief, may not always come in the form we expect them to arrive in. Be open to what may be used to communicate and speak to you and to bring you relief. This looks like keeping an open heart and mind, letting go of strict guidelines, timeframes, and expectations, and expanding your subconscious beliefs, worth, and thoughts into new and higher possibilities and potential.

  • This busy world around us has long been set up to distract us, even in our healing. Take time away to clear the distractions and to heal in peace. Become consciously aware of what’s essential and what isn't.

  • Healing and renewing the mind is a critical time to declutter the energy and vibrations coming through to you by limiting their access to you.

  • Connecting to a Higher power and source will sustain you. Anchor into your 'rock.' Seek refuge in your faith and spiritual cover, community, and tools.

  • Allow yourself to be creative, as high vibrational creativity is a healing practice and spiritual tool.





  1. During times of emotional stress, are you connected to your inner voice? Are you turning it out or into it? Are you allowing it to guide you? 

  2. Are you living on autopilot or in intentionality and equanimity?

  3. Are you conscious of the patterns in your life that are impacting it and you?

  4. Are you observing your emotions rather than identifying them as them? Example: “I am sad” versus “I recognize the energy of sadness within me. The second option keeps sadness separate from you. It doesn’t become your identity, but rather an experience you’re aware of that is passing by like clouds.

  5. How will you help to transmute any heavy energy you feel?

  6. How will you commit to spending more time on emotional care?

  7. What can you begin to implement more of? 

  8. What brings you back to feeling at home within yourself, back to your center, and like your higher thriving self is the way. What brings you into harmony is the way. What helps you find your note is the way. (As shared in Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power)

  9. Repeat: I am in loving unity with my mind, body, spirit, and nervous system. I nourish and respect their needs for healing, growth, balance, restoration, and daily elevation.