Subject 11: Self-Empowerment
Do you sense a deep sense of empowerment in your life?
Feeling empowered enables us to surpass our current limitations and attain greater heights. However, when we feel disempowered, we may experience defeating thoughts, fears, doubts, insecurities, and subconscious beliefs that hinder us from living a gratifying life and achieving our full potential.
In class 11, we will explore seven pivotal ways to put self-empowerment into practice and effect in your life. Let’s vibrate higher!!
In this video, we explore seven pivotal and essential ways to take your power back to reach self-empowerment.
Self-empowerment is everything! It has been and continues to be the foundation of my personal transformation, healing, and thriving throughout my journey.
You have so much greatness and potential inside of you. Empowering yourself is what will bring it all out and into the world.
1. Self-love: "When you love yourself, what you allow looks different." - Lalah Delia
2. Self-appreciation: Take a pause to appreciate how far you've come, all you've overcome, and all you’ve manifested up to this point.
3. Let go of what doesn't serve you: Your energy and power are sacred. Release what's taking your power away. Release who/what's depleting your life force.
4. Take care of yourself as a vessel: By regularly practicing mindfulness of embodiment, self-care, nurturing your spirit, and tending to your energy (such as through prayer, gratitude, restoration, meditation, healthy foods, and expansive experiences), you gain personal empowerment.
5. Develop and Expand: Hone your abilities, continue to expand in necessary areas, nourish your mind and spirit, and seek divinely aligned inspiration and motivation.
6. Self-discipline means consistently doing the work, which helps us grow stronger, improves our integrity, embodiment, and character, and helps us evolve and move forward out of stagnation.
7. Charge/feed your mind and spirit: You are an energy being who needs to recharge and nourish well. Be generous to your mind, body, and spirit in this way.
What It Takes:
Deciding to become the hero of your life
The Benefits:
You take control and charge of your life and circumstances
You experience greater awareness, within and without
You begin to operate at an elevated level and higher vibration of potential: mind, body, energy, and spiritually
Attract and manifest expansive opportunities
Mindfully manifest better health, well-being, and relationships
Things and people that once triggered you no longer distract you
Overall, you bring more light, greatness, and higher vibrations to the world
Class Quote-ables:
“Self-empowerment can shift us out of a reality and situation that we don't love, and into one that we do.”
“Self-empowerment means the difference between us expanding or contracting within ourselves, in life, and in the world.”
“Self-empowerment is a communication to yourself and to others. It a vibrational language.”
“Self-empowerment changes the course and trajectory of your life.”
What areas of your life and well-being could use more self-empowerment in order to grow, expand, and thrive?
In what areas do you need to take your power back?
Where and when can you start?