Fig. 02| Rod Turner|By Kurt Markus, 1988
Emotional growth
Fostering emotional growth helps us channel our energy in a positive direction, unlocking our full potential. I discuss the process of emotional growth in this video and look forward to exploring this topic further in our upcoming content.
Emotional Growth
What areas are you being called to grow in right now?
One example, for instance:
The world is being called to grow emotionally in a higher vibrational direction of change, equality, and justice.
So, emotional growth can be done on both collective and individual levels. Living in an eco-system, when each does our part by growing within, we positively affect the world collectively.
Your life will expand and enhance as you build-up your emotional body. Emotional growth is: vibrating higher daily and living your power.
Growth feels like you're being rerouted. Take the new route!!
Use emotional growth to become unstuck and journey through. Ask, "where am I being called to grow?"
Daily self-discipline
Self-discipline builds the muscles for a new life. Start where and with what you can, reroute when possible, and grow from there. Build new muscles starting from where you are. Where you are, is the 'weight' to lift to build muscles.
Release the old: What can you stop doing, what's no longer serving you?
Practicing gratitude is a conscious and subconscious reprogramming tool. The more you are grateful, the more you manifest to be grateful for on your journey. Gratitude is a powerful practice for emotional growth and empowerment.
Gratitude is how you take your power back day by day.
Find the daily blessings
Amid your life right now, what blessings can you be grateful for?
Vibrational Illusion + Mirage
• People or things that distract us or take us off of our higher path
• Makes us think we should: do, be, desire, or believe an unaligned way/thought/thing
• A trick of the senses and distortion of reality and truth
• Does not empower us
Emotional-Growth Homework
Be the observer and write yourself a letter.
Part 1. As you journey forward into the week, keep in mind that you are not your emotions but rather the observer, navigator, and nurturer of them.
Part 2. Should you observe yourself in a specific terrain or weather, apply some of the steps above. Also, write yourself a nurturing letter or encouraging affirmation to yourself.
•One of my favorite affirmations is: “I have arrived. I am home. I am no longer running from myself”. –Thich Nhat Hanh
Part. 3 Share a photo of your letter of affirmation in the Facebook group.
Facebook Group
Facebook Group
The intention of this FB Group is to hold space and build community around vibrational-based living. Together we can Vibrate Higher Daily, journey in grace, support one another, and live our power