Break Free and Evolve from Lower Vibrational Habits

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May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!

Break Free and Evolve from Lower Vibrational Habits

Title: Embrace the Power Within: Elevate Your Path to the Extraordinary
In the journey of life, it is easy to get caught up in the monotonous and mundane rhythm of everyday life. However, without embracing the proper vibrational or physical protocols, we risk losing our power to autopilot mode, drifting back and forth into a less empowered version of our former selves. But there is a path to vibrate higher!!

Video replay


Discussion Chapters


Part 1: Opening

Part 2: What To Know

Part 3: Manifesting the Determination and Power to Change

Part 4: Q&A

Part 5: Closing

*Access chapters via the video control menu.




Welcome the joyous path of liberating oneself from familiar routines to achieve ultimate liberation, growth, and expansion.

On this radiant path of growth, we discover a profound sense of grounding within ourselves. Every step we take resonates with a heightened frequency, nourishing our mind, body, spirit, energy, and magnetism. Our journey can become a tapestry of empowered choices and transformative habits.

As we awaken to the harmonious symphony of our true selves, we will radiate a magnetic energy that attracts endless possibilities.

One hurdle on the transformation journey for many people is habits. I gave up self-sabotaging habits and found a new and better life. To transcend the life that wasn't serving me, I had to shift my habits and patterns.

Thoughts and actions govern our lives, and changing them for the better leads to our lives expanding in liberation, higher alignment, and progress.

More inside the video!!


Class Notes


What to Know

Habits are the most critical part of your journey towards transformation and higher timelines. The practice of building new habits is also the practice of building a new now and future. Being stuck in habits and patterns that don't serve you keeps you at the same level you’re at. Stagnation can cause us to devolve versus evolve.

Embrace failure as part of the journey and transform by not letting it stop you or seeing it negatively.

In most life processes, there comes a time when the new must replace the old. With that, sometimes, there can be conscious and subconscious resistance to releasing what's old. Outgrowing, clearing, and liberating ourselves from habits that don't serve us is undoubtedly part of life's [positive] releasing process of evolving us.

Manifesting the Determination and Power to Change

Realize that you can be a sovereign being capable of being free from old timelines and programs that don't serve you. You do not have to remain the same, even if others around you choose not to grow.

More in this Class On:

  • A habit is a practice

  • To know what your day-to-day rituals are, look at your habits

  • There are good energetic habits that help us thrive and sustain ourselves, and there are unhealthy lower habits that lower our vibration and keep us stuck at a lower level of potential and vibration.

  • Self-observation and examination. Healthy satisfaction or toxic satisfaction

  • Are your habits a coping mechanism?

  • When you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired

  • Taking responsibility is where change begins

  • For me, this looked like saying goodbye to victimhood, exiting auto-pilot mode, and taking agency over my mind, energy, focus, and choices

  • Release pride and ego so you can grow

  • Vibration over gratification

  • Let go of needing to look perfect. Feel awkward, even fail, and see it as a beautiful part of the transformation process

  • Neurology/Neuroplasticity

  • Resistance

  • Welcome in a new self-identity with higher and healthier self-worth

  • You are not powerless. You are powerful.

  • No self-condemning. Journey in grace

  • Changing your behavior is possible. Don't overfocus on the desired outcome, though; focus on better behavior and creating better habits; this, in turn, will help you manifest your desired goal or outcome.

  • Start small, bit by bit, day by day.

  • Self-reflection energy should be full of grace: "Nothing is wrong with me; I just need better habits."

  • During triggering moments, remember that mental discipline is the practice to integrate, implement, and respond with. The more you practice this, the stronger you become with this practice over time.

  • "Break the habit of being me”

  • Realize the power of choice

  • Energetic sovereignty is key

  • Be mindful of managing your emotions during triggers and old timelines, thoughts, desires, and memories. Practice equanimity

  • Look at your new habits as devotion, ritual, and higher embodiment in action

  • Change your neurology by making better choices which, when done consistently, create better habits, which births a new timeline and life.



  • Is this a habit that will expand me forward and beyond or keep me at a stagnant level?

  • Nothing is ‘wrong’ with me; I just need better habits

  • Am I signaling a new timeline or an older one that doesn't serve me?

  • You are not powerless. You are powerful.

Supportive Quotes

Consistency builds the muscles of a new life and timeline.
— Lalah Delia


  • I am a sovereign being.

  • I choose to change my neurology to support my well-being, goals, and success.

  • I choose a new higher way and timeline.

  • Better, consistent habits are entering my life now.

Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions