May higher vibrations, higher power, and liberation shine through you!!
Energetic Liberation: Releasing Energy Attachments Addition Class
Welcome to this month's VHD school theme where we explore the divine and profound concept of Energetic Liberation.
Energetic Liberation is a power theme to support us and journey forward with us throughout new and evolving timelines.
Class replay
Discussion Chapters
Ch 1: Intro
Ch 2: Grounding Practice w/India
Ch 3: Opening Words w/Lalah
Ch 4: Reflection Questions
Ch 5: Recognizing Interference
Ch 6: Renegotiating Timeline Contracts
Ch 7: Soul Contracts
Ch 8: Recognizing Interference cont…
Ch 9: Soul Ties
Ch 10: Release All Forms of Energy Attachments
Ch 11: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
pt. 2
Explore the divine and profound concept of Energetic Liberation. In this class, we will be delving into the first installment of our Energetic Liberation Series, focusing on freeing ourselves from energy attachments.
Entering into new seasons and assignments in life demands energy that resonates with the evolving timeline. Your energy plays a crucial role in maintaining divine alignment as you progress towards your higher purpose and move in divine assignment. Through this class, discover how to liberate your energy to sustain this alignment as you navigate through different seasons, stages, circumstances, and callings.
Through this class, discover how to liberate your energy to sustain this alignment as you navigate through different seasons, stages, circumstances, and callings.
Energetic liberation paves the way for you to step into your highest timeline yet and embrace your inner power while doing so. As conduits, we are tasked with receiving, showing up, outputting, and taking action.
Reflecting on your own liberation as a conduit and creative soul being, how much of your unique, divinely sovereign energy are you able to access daily with regards to action-taking, courage, and various tasks, goals, assignments, and intentions?
Explore the energies flowing through you and reclaim your power and sovereignty. Embrace the transformation and expansion that comes with liberating yourself and stepping into your divine essence. Join us on this class journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we access and liberate the divine energetic potential within.
Sometimes, our feelings and experiences are not entirely our own; they may be energetically attached to us in connection to someone or something else. Energetic attachments are influenced by external sources and can happen beyond our immediate control and conscious awareness.
This theme is here to be a practical approach to energy work and liberation.
The intention of this class is to unveil and demystify the transformative process of releasing energy attachments through: renegotiating timelines, unraveling and releasing soul ties, and outgrowing unaligned soul contracts. By doing so, you can align with your true purpose, power, alignment, essence, and courage.
This libertarian work is a vital part of the journey towards liberation, self-healing, embracing your true soul essence and identity, personal growth and expansion, and living in alignment with your divine life path and the optimal experiences and higher purpose that await you.
Energetic liberation opens the door for you to step into your highest timeline and self yet.
Entering into new seasons and assignments in life demands energy that resonates with the evolving timeline. Your energy plays a crucial role in maintaining divine alignment as you progress towards your higher purpose and move in divine assignment.
Our energy is a powerful force that influences the alignment of our path. When we step into new seasons and assignments in life, it’s crucial that our energy resonates with the evolving timeline before us. Consider your energy as the compass guiding you towards your higher purpose and divine assignment and alignment.
We sustain higher alignment by liberating our energy.
Take deep breath.
Embrace this opportunity to step into your authentic self and embrace the infinite potential that resides within you. Let go of old patterns, connections, and belief systems that no longer serve your highest good and that reflect someone else’s energy and beliefs. Open yourself up to the abundance of possibilities and potential that await you.
As conduits of energy, we are called to receive, show up, output, and take action. Reflect on your journey as a conduit and creative soul being. How much of your unique, divinely sovereign energy are you accessing daily in your actions, beliefs, courage, and pursuits?
Path, alignment, and well-being interference can happen through energy attachments such as:
Timelines negotiations, soul contracts, soul ties, entities, hooks, cords, and external negative vibrational influences, subconscious programming, limiting beliefs, and your story narrative.
All negative energy attachments function as parasites in and to your energy system, mind, body, and life.
These types of energy attachments block our spiritual power, our clear thinking, our sense of inner peace, and our ability to expand and manifest. They block us from spiritual connection, connection to our true essence and power, emotional balance, mental peace, clear thinking, and the ability to create a positively evolved and expanded life. They cause distraction and deterrence from our higher purpose, assignment, and divine life path. They cause distortion in our life and ultimately imprison our true energy, joy, light, and potential.
How Energetic and Spiritual Interference Happens:
Your energetic or spiritual guards were down or non-existent, hypersensitivity, absorption, sex (sacred energy exchange), during an emotionally vulnerable or traumatic time, during a time of illness, health challenges, and depleted energy, they feed off of low self-worth, validation seeking, co-dependency, and trauma bonding.
What it feels like:
There’s a feeling of energetically heaviness and disempowerment that you can’t explain the root of, irritability, persistent low self-worth, feeling drained and not like yourself, not feeling ‘at home’ in your life or body, feeling suppressed, feeling that you’re not accessing all of your true potential and self, experiencing distorted thoughts, perspectives, and a distorted sense of power, feels like something is feeding off your life force, you feel fragmented and like your mind and life are moving in many different directions and locations, your decision making is un-aligned with your higher good and you do the opposite of what you really should do, absence of will power. Much like a parasite infection, negative energy attachments are energetic, physically, and spiritual draining.
An unhealthy bond and spiritual connection with someone you’ve been sexually intimate with.
How to Recognize a Soul Tie: Soul ties are hard to shake, you keep going back the person or desire to, you practice self-betrayal in pursing the soul tie relationship, you feel depressed or anxious when they don’t show or reciprocate love and attention, you overly seek their validation, presence, attention, and energy in your life, you begin to embody, entangle with, and mimic their emotional or energetic make up, you begin ethically or energetically doing things you normally wouldn’t do, you feel trapped by or obsessed with the bond, you allow self-sabotage behavior to be with them, not able to separate, distinguish, or recognize your authentic energy and desires from others. Are you in limerence or love?
The Liberation Work:
Become conscious and aware of any present soul tie relationship
Release seeing or feeling the bond as a necessary part of your divine life path moving forward. See it no longer being useful to you or your life.
Cut the cord
Recite or write a soul ties prayer
Sacred clearing work through spiritual practice or fasting
Energy healing
Release any physical items that sustain the attachment
See your safety and evolution being the liberation work
Identify any significant connections or relationships in your life that feel energetically binding or draining
Reflect on the nature of these soul ties and how they may be impacting your sense of self, well-being, and growth
Set the intention to break free from any unhealthy or negative soul ties that are holding you back. This may involve setting boundaries, practicing forgiveness, being less accessible or not accessible at all, and seeing yourself successfully moving on and much happier through visualization techniques
Take time to focus on nurturing your own energy, needs, self-love, beliefs, and personal growth to strengthen your connection to your true essence, power, healing, and purpose.
Seek support from a spiritual guide, therapist, or healer if needed to help you navigate this process and heal any overwhelming emotional wounds that have arised
Agreements you have made and created with other souls and energy during certain times, seasons, circumstances, and reasons.
How to Recognize a Timeline Contract: Not able to fully change and evolve to a new timeline. Stagnation. Unable to move past a certain level opportunity, financial, or experience-wise, bringing or experiencing the same old energy into new opportunities, outdated mindset in new opportunities, unhealthy habits keep showing up, other people’s energy, words, and actions stick and overwrite higher your awareness and wisdom, fear of moving taking action and moving forward, not growing, experiencing shame or guilt for desiring to evolve, not recognizing or honoring new opportunities, sabotaging new opportunities, new opportunities not appearing, not able to fully show up in your authenticity and evolved energy on new timelines and in new opportunities, stuck in your story and past narrative, not being able to evolve past your past or a certain place, you witness an unwanted energetic correlation and connection between you and someone or something else.
The Liberation Work:
Energy clearing
Journey in awareness
Practice conscious pattern shifting
Sacred clearing work through spiritual practice or fasting
Energy healing
Remembering you are a powerful being of light, capable of creating your own reality and manifesting your deepest desires
See yourself successful, evolved, and much happier through visualization techniques
Take time to focus on nurturing your own energy, needs, self-love, beliefs, and personal growth to strengthen your connection to your true essence, power, healing, and purpose.
Consider what changes you want to make and how you want your future to look. This could involve setting new goals, making different choices, or pursuing new opportunities.
Visualize yourself on a new, more positive timeline where you are living in divine flow and alignment with your true purpose and potential on your divine life path.
Take practical steps to make changes in your life that will help you transition to a new timeline. This could involve letting go of things that no longer serve you, stepping out of your comfort zone, moving past and beyond fear, taking forward action to shift timelines, and being authentically open to new experiences and possibilities.
Seek support from a spiritual guide, therapist, or healer if needed to help you navigate this process and heal any overwhelming emotional wounds that have arised
Soul contracts play a significant role in our lives and are essential components of our spiritual journey and personal growth. These agreements, made with other souls, encompass diverse aspects such as romance, family, career, friendship, higher purpose, spirituality, healing, and karma.
While many soul contracts enrich, guide, and accompany us along our path, there are instances where a connection may no longer serve us if the other person falls out of alignment with their true self or their divine life path and purpose. In such cases, we have the opportunity to transform the contract into a valuable lesson, allowing us to gracefully release the attachment and move forward with a sense of sovereignty and liberation. This transformative process ultimately frees us from the contract, enabling us to evolve and grow in alignment with our highest selves and path.
The Liberation Work:
Energy healing
Sacred clearing work through spiritual practice or fasting
Journey in awareness
Reflect on your past or current experiences and relationships to identify dynamics that may be influenced by soul contracts.
Reflect on which of these soul contracts still serve your higher good.
Next consider which of these soul contracts are no longer serving your highest good and are inhibiting your well-being, expansion, and growth in any way.
Set the intention to break, void, renegotiate, or release the soul contracts with the other that do not serve you. This can be done through meditation, visualization, or writing a letter to the other party (even if they are no longer in your life, write a letter for the energetic purpose and practice of it).
Continue living in divine flow and alignment with your true authentic self, higher purpose, potential, and divine life path.
Seek support from a spiritual guide, therapist, or healer if needed to help you navigate this process and heal any overwhelming emotional wounds that have arised
Beings and entities attach to our energy field through absorption, this is why energy clearing and spiritual work are so vital.
The liberation work to clear lower vibrational energies:
Observe; don’t absorb.
Detoxify: don’t accumulate.
Transmute; don’t amplify.
Release; don’t attach.
Clear; don’t entangle.
Focusing on the importance of releasing all forms of energy attachments is critical in order to maintain a sovereign, balanced, and healthy energy field and life.
The steps provided throughout the class including this last section: observe, detoxify, transmute, and release, are valuable techniques for freeing yourself from energy attachments. These steps, can promote energetic liberation and maintain a clear and harmonious energy field and life.
Energetic liberation is not just about freeing yourself from constraints; it’s also about fully stepping into your divine essence, higher purpose, soul sovereignty, and experiencing an evolved energetic capacity.
Liberating your energy takes daily intention, self-awareness, conscious pattern shifting, and courage. With these forces, you can begin liberating yourself. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate the processes. It’s bringing about true transformation and liberation in your mind, life, and energy field.
“‘Losing’ friends, homies, family, or opportunities because you’re aligning with higher principles, higher truth, or your higher self is truly how you elevate. You’ll eventually see that it was never a loss.”
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Upcoming/Previous/Supportive VHD Content
Read Lalah’s Energetic Liberation: Personal Written Reflections + Declarations
Download the Energetic Liberation PDFs + Journal Prompts PDFs,
Watch the Energetic Liberation practice replay
Watch the Conscious Pattern Shifting Class
Watch the Divine Life Path Class
Signaling a New Timeline, by Lalah Delia
A Journey Home, by Lalah Delia
Energy Cleanse: Sacred Waters, by Lalah Delia
Inner Gardening Care, by Lalah Delia