May higher vibrations, higher power, and radiance shine through you!!
Reintroduce Yourself
Allow your truth, gifts, power, growth, and evolution to guide you, shape you, renew you, take up new space and manifest new expanded opportunities in your life. It’s time!!
Class replay
Discussion Chapters
Ch 1: Intro
Ch 2: Grounding Practice w/India
Ch 3: Opening Words w/Lalah
Ch 4: Trust the Alchemy You’ve Already Done and Gone Through
Ch 5: Reflection Questions
Ch 6: Thought Management and Awareness
Ch 7: Allow Yourself to Rise and Be the Version of ‘You’ You Never Got to Be Before
Ch 8: Vibrating Higher in Higher-Dimensional Living
Ch 9: Declarations
Ch 10: Practice Preview
Ch 11: Closing
*Access chapters via the video control menu.
You’ve done more work and have overcome more than you may realize. You’re more prepared than you realize. You’re more supported than you realize. The divine portal to expressing your next level of embodiment is open to you now. It’s time to reintroduce yourself.
Opening Words
Allow your truth, gifts, power, growth, and evolution to guide you, shape you, renew you, take up new space and manifest new expanded opportunities in your life.
You’ve done more work and have overcome more than you may realize. You’re more prepared than you realize. You’re more supported than you realize. The divine portal to expressing your next level of embodiment is open to you now. It’s time to reintroduce yourself.
You will now receive more support than ever before in advancing forward with reintroducing yourself. It’s time to embrace it!
Trust the Alchemy You’ve Already Done and Gone Through
People are used to you being the caterpillar, maybe including you; it’s time to rise and embrace the butterfly you have evolved into.
What version of myself am I being introduced to?
What version of myself am I re-introducing to the world?
What role have you been playing in terms of archetypes and energetics? Is it empowered or disempowered?
It’s about waiting in peace and alchemy when you're being transformed.
Journeying in alchemy.
Ask yourself, what alchemy is necessary for me to rise through this in a new and transformed state? How might I take action to support the divine process and progress forward?
What can I change about myself and my life to rise through this new?
Be proactive and in peace while patiently embracing the alchemy.
Take forward action when it’s time. How do we not become stuck in the process? The process is not for you to become stuck; it’s a moving process. It may be slower at times and faster at other times, but it’s about movement and taking action.
Reflection Questions
What work has your healing done?
What work has your spirituality done?
What work has your alchemy and transformation done?
What work has your new, higher embodied self done or is called to do in your life? And in the world?
Where might you be more ready than you realize?
Thought Management and Awareness
As we have thoughts, it’s essential to recognize where each thought is originating from.
Is this thought from expansion?
Is this thought from empowerment?
Is it from limiting beliefs?
Is it from the soul?
Is it from ego?
Is it from mindfulness?
Is it from autopilot and old patterns?
Is it from new timelines and expansion?
Become aware of the thoughts you have toward yourself and your abilities.
What message are you sending out into the magnetic universe with the magnetic frequency of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs?
Think and operate from 5D consciousness, not 3D or 4D.
Spiritual over logic
Realize when a limiting belief is present, when a limiting belief is speaking, and when a limiting belief is leading and making choices and decisions.
Allow Yourself to Rise and Be the Version of ‘You’ You Never Got to Be Before
The old version of you is dissolving. It’s your job to move like it, to think like it, to vibrate like it, and embody the new you.
It’s time to allow yourself to be the version of ‘you’ you never got to be before, as well as, never allowed yourself to be before. It’s time to be the new you who is free of all the programming from family, friends, peers, society, culture, systems, circumstances, and relationships.
It’s all about you embodying your liberation. Read that again!
You are more prepared than you realize. Read that again!
It’s time to embody the work and do the work that’s time-specific to this version of yourself. What does this look like for you? This can look uniquely different for each of us.
Ex: It’s all about loving, guiding, communicating, teaching, writing, creating, choosing, and advancing forward as your evolved self now. Live, operate, expand, and thrive from here.
Personally, this is why I am here and now, thriving as my authentic self, living from true soul identity, on my divine life path. I allowed myself to break free from unhelpful and unaligned patterning, programming, and conditioning and took forward action. I reintroduced myself. And I will continue honoring this alchemic formula with every divine assignment to do so.
Are you living from your true soul identity? Are you on your divine life path?
Are you allowing yourself to break free from all unhelpful and unaligned patterning, programming, and conditioning by taking forward action? Are you honoring this alchemic formula?
The spiritual war, fight, and battle is over your true identity.
As tools, I continue working with prayer, meditation, declarations, spiritual practice, and well-being to navigate the energy and energetics of my life, timelines, and the earth. I apply the very tools and skills taught here, throughout VHD School. They just work.
Ask yourself, “What are my next steps? What’s my alchemical work?”
The answer is to drop into the alchemical formula: spiritual alchemy and conscious pattern shifting. The alchemical formula is to break the patterning, programming, and conditioning and take forward action.
Feel awkward, scared, or unsure, but move forward into your true identity anyway. A new path and timeline opens to you as you move. Think of it as a sacred movement and sacred action.
“Fear is not the finish line; it’s the starting line.” It’s time to start and alchemize your way and self through it.
Vibrating Higher in Higher-Dimensional Living
Negative judgments and negative energy are of the 3D realm.
People caught up in 3D reality will feel what they feel and judge what they judge, and that’s none of your focus, concern, or business anymore. You’re being set free in this area through spiritual alchemy and the new timeline work it includes.
People’s judgments are powerless, which means they have no power over YOU anymore. No matter when, how long ago, or how recent, they have no effect on you anymore. Your confidence and self-acceptance are no longer wavering or manipulated by or entangled with anyone. You are a sovereign vessel and conduit of The Divine. If The Divine doesn’t need ‘their’ approval to choose you, neither do you.
Other people’s judgments can’t reach you, affect you, distract you, or block you in 5D consciousness. That’s how you’ll know.
If you witness you’ve dropped back down into 3D consciousness, vibrate higher! Rise back into 5D to be free.
You are prepared. Own your growth. Operate in your divine authority and assignment to be who you truly are, ever-evolving, ever-rising.
Answering with courage and from expansion, what does your divine assignment look like in this season? Go embody that! We need you!
I am on my divine life path
With soul determination and the help of The Divine, the divine realm, the cosmos, and the universe, I am shifting and rising through this time into my new self.
I operate from a new, energetic location.
I live, operate, flow, and take action from 5D now. The Divine realm of abundance, courage, support, and higher embodiment, strength, and guidance.
Seeking approval and validation from others is part of 3D/third-dimensional thinking and living. I will recognize if this patterning happens within me, and I will shift back into 5D freedom.
“This is no longer the timeline where you play small or dim your light.”
Energy Practice and Emotional Charge Work
Your identity is ALL ENERGY, frequency, and vibration.
Awareness is the foundation of change.
Tap into vibrational awareness of your current identity. What have you been embodying vibrationally?
Likewise, your current identity is you expressing energy. What type of energy are you expressing?
The difference between who you’ve been and who you desire to become and embody is all alchemy through energy, frequency, and vibration.
We often attach a strong emotional charge to our identity, which energetically maintains the reality and timeline we experience.
The alchemical work of reintroducing yourself is to release the emotional charge of your dissolving identity to shift into a new, evolved one. Release the emotional charge to shift and expand.
END OF PRACTICE PREVIEW. Dive deeper, plus much more in our upcoming Reintroduce Yourself Practice on May 22nd.
Supportive Reads, Tools & Mentions
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Read the section ‘Failure to Launch’, located in Chapter 4, pages 162-163
Upcoming/Previous/Supportive VHD Content
Read Lalah’s Reintroduce Yourself: Personal Written Reflections + Declarations
Download the Reintroduce Yourself PDFs + Journal Prompts PDFs
Watch the Reintroduce Yourself Practice replay
Watch the Conscious Pattern Shifting Class
Signaling a New Timeline, by Lalah Delia