Celebrating another Year of You growing, expanding, evolving, and vibrating higher at VHD School!
Welcome to your 2024 Year-End Review and Reflections!
How to work with the Review: Feel inspired to journey through the review in order, all at once, or to choose what calls to you and work your way through from there.
Intention: Take time to fully immerse yourself in this reflection and review your progress throughout the year.
In case no one told you, You did amazing this year!
Let's celebrate all that we’ve accomplished this year at VHD School and individually. From new insights formed to skills developed, challenges overcome, and goals achieved, it has been a truly transformative experience and an honor to serve you on your divine life path.
We truly appreciate your journey with the VHD Community in 2024. Your presence matters so much, and we are grateful for the sacred work you’re doing. Thank you for being part of our journey together. We’re excited to journey higher and higher with you in 2025!
How to work with the Review:
Feel inspired to journey through the review in order, all at once, or to choose what calls to you and work your way through from there.
Take time to fully immerse yourself in this reflection to review your growth, progress, expansion, and journey throughout the year. You’ve grown more and done more work than you may realize. This is a divine time to acknowledge yourself and all the ways you’ve vibrated higher.
Start by finding a quiet space where you can detach yourself from distractions and lean into this reflective experience and journey.
In this review, we will reflect on all that you have achieved and overcome, both personally, energetically, vibrationally, and professionally. Bring love and grace to any areas you’re still working on and through. Think about how you might carry this care, growth, development, and insight with you into your new year’s journey ahead.
Use this reflection as a springboard for expansion in the new year. Expand your vision into the future for a moment. What are your goals and intentions for the upcoming year? How will you continue growing and evolving on your journey? We’ll get into this in this review. Take what you've learned here at VHD School and from your experiences this year and apply it to the upcoming year.
I am safe, radiant, and all is well on all timelines, past, present, and future.”
VHD Year-End Review
Part 1:
Most Popular
Most popular classes
Most popular articles
Home Sanctuary Personal Written Reflections + VHD Declarations
Spiritual Alchemy Personal Written Reflections + VHD Declarations
Path of The Conduit Vol. 2: Divine Assignment Personal Written Reflections + Declarations
Reintroduce Yourself Personal Written Reflections and Declarations
Most Popular practices
Most Loved VHD Update
VHD Year-End Review
Reflection Questions
“What overall feeling did you embody in 2024?
How have you grown?
What lessons and changes have taken root within you?
What divine truths illuminated your path this year?
VHD Year-End Review
Part 2:
VHD Themes WE Explored in 2024
Let’s Recap
But, Please Note
Although this is a year-end review, the themes are not confined to this year. It’s an ongoing process of self-development, evolution, and expansion. So, as you move forward, carry with you the lessons learned, the strength and insight acquired, and the unyielding belief that you are capable of continued, miraculous expansion.
Divine Life Path
Starting the year, we set the tone by aligning with our divine life path.
Your divine life path is unique to you, created for you, and when followed, allows you to live in an optimum way. It’s the most optimal path for you this lifetime. It’s part of the bigger sacred plan. It intertwines with universal and divine order. Your divine life path is where you embody your true spiritual powers, capabilities, gifts, potential, and transformation and maintain a spiritual view and heightened awareness of your divine identity and higher purpose. You rise here into being a divinely guided and empowered conduit.
On your divine life path, connection to The Most High, The Divine, fuels your spiritual journey and governs your way of navigating life, highs, lows, tests, challenges, wins, and day-to-day consciousness and alignment. That’s how you’ll know. It’s also through this path that your true essence becomes a beacon of light in the world. Abundant possibilities dwell on your divine life path.
Divine Life Path
Reflection Prompts
How do I connect with my divine life in my daily life? How do I acknowledge it? How do I honor it?
What practices, rituals, or experiences help me stay aligned to this optimal path?
Reflect on a time when you felt divinely guided and empowered on your life path. What signs or synchronicities did you experience during this time?
In what ways have challenging experiences or tests helped shape your divine life path? How have these obstacles ultimately led you closer to your higher purpose, authentic self, and true divine essence?
Continue exploring this theme by learning to trust and surrender to your divine life path, even when it feels uncertain or uncomfortable.
Use your unique gifts for the greater good of humanity, not to cause harm or suffering.
Become a devotee of your higher purpose and divine assignment. Your divine life path may also lead you to unexpected places, experiences, or opportunities that require you to grow into a new, evolved version of yourself. Trust in your ability to fulfill the divine assignment on each timeline you evolve to.
This could look like allowing yourself to release any fears or doubts that may be holding you back from fully embracing your divine assignment and true essence. Breathe deeply and meditate regularly to restructure your nervous system, take forward, aligned action to upgrade your brain circuitry and subconscious mind, and conquer fear through practicing radical moments of courage. You will continue to unfold, expand, and meet more of yourself on your divine life path.
As you continue on this path, should you encounter challenges and obstacles that test your faith and resilience, recognize them for what they are: opportunities for growth and transformation. Embrace them as such and love yourself through it.
Remember, you are never alone or without help. Always turn to The Divine and your angels for guidance and support. They are your personal support team. Trust in your ability to fulfill the divine assignment given to you. You will continue to unfold, expand, and meet more of yourself, abundant blessings, and divine miracles and opportunities on your divine life path: mind, body, spirit, life, and energy. Honor your intuition, and follow the divine signs and synchronicities along your way. Remember your divinity. And look for the souls out here vibrating higher daily, like you!
Take time to reflect on these prompts through this page and see what insights come up for you.
Path of The Conduit Vol. 1
February graciously brought the theme ‘path of the conduit’ to us.
This year, in volume 1, we explored what it means to align with our divine roles and step into greater consciousness, courage, and guided action.
We are vessels of divine energy and purpose. The Path of the Conduit is a path of embracing and embodying your higher purpose and transcending limitations. On this sacred path, we liberate the depths of our being, take up our divine mantel, assignment, and role in the world, and advance through higher levels of consciousness, examination, potential, embodiment, strength, courage, surrender, obedience to ‘the call’, devotion, and brave guided action.
This is a path of meaning and purpose, and for some, a path of reintroducing yourself in life, community, work, service, relationships, gifts, skills, and passions. Our conduitship is in service to the higher good. And therefore, higher good radiates in us and channels through us.
Path of The Conduit Vol. 1
Reflection Prompts
What does it mean to you to acknowledge yourself as a vessel for divine energy?
In what ways do you feel divine energy and purpose flowing through you, your gifts, and your life?
How can you align your actions, thoughts, and intentions with your higher purpose, divine life path?
What choices have you made recently that reflect who you are at your sacred core?
Who/what do you aspire to be, and how can you serve the greater good in that journey and embodiment?
What adjustments can you make to stay more aligned with your higher purpose?
Protecting yourself as a conduit is vital. Just as a vessel can be filled, so too can it be drained or contaminated by external forces not aligned with its higher good. How do you establish boundaries that honor and protect your energy and commitment to this path?
Continue exploring this theme by taking care of yourself as a vessel and empowering yourself as a divine conduit; you rise, align, and protect our purpose as you do. The ‘Path of the Conduit’ invites you to step forward with strength, devotion, and purpose, embracing your role as a vessel and conduit of divine energy.
Learn to say no to what doesn't serve your highest calling and yes to what does, even when it's challenging. Protecting your energy ensures that you can continue your work without burnout, energetic compromise, or losing sight of your purpose.
Remember, rising from where you are to step forward as a ‘conduit who can do it’ demands courage, resilience, and faith in yourself. It means being willing to face challenges head-on, using them as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks on your journey. Empower yourself through self-belief and dedication; this helps you step into your divine-given power. We become conduits who not only dream of making a difference but actively participate in creating a higher vibrational world and collective.
Spiritual Alchemy
In February, we focused on expanding, aligning, and liberating ourselves through spiritual alchemy.
Spiritual alchemy is a sacred path and tool that wills a transformative experience within us and in our lives. Spiritual alchemy is a path of transformation, inner liberation, and change. This theme revolves around the essence of embracing and discovering the higher purpose, personal power, and divine roles in transforming and transmuting ourselves, our energy, our circumstances, our pain, our experiences, our actions, our lives, our environment, and our reality.
Spiritual Alchemy
Reflection Prompts
Bring to mind a recent situation where you felt an inner transformation taking place while aligning with your higher self. How did it manifest in your mindset, words, beliefs, actions, or reality?
What did you discover about yourself through the path of spiritual alchemy, and how did it influence your approach to life, courage, change, embodiment, or taking action?
Reflect on a time when you experienced an intentional, major transformation or minor shift in your personal life: mind, body, spirit, energy. What lessons did you learn, or what realizations did you experience from allowing the alchemy to take place versus staying hindered by resistance or stagnation? How did it shape how you moved forward and who you are today?
Think about a current area of your life where you feel stuck, blocked, or stagnant. How can you use spiritual alchemy to transform this situation? What steps can you take to release old patterns and invite new, positive energy and change into your life?
Embrace the power of intentional action and change to transform and expand your life through the practice of spiritual alchemy. Remember, spiritual alchemy is about transforming ourselves, our mindset, and our energy, which, in turn, has the power to transform our reality.
Continue exploring this theme by meditating on the elements of fire, water, air, and earth. Each element represents different qualities and energies that we can tap into to facilitate our own transformation. For example, fire represents passion, creativity, and action. Water symbolizes healing, cleansing, and emotional release. Air embodies clarity, communication, and new perspectives. Earth signifies stability, grounding, and growth.
Integrate these elements into your daily life by incorporating corresponding practices such as journaling or declarations for fire; taking a warm bath, moving, or spending time in nature for water; meditation, deep breathing exercises, showing up with your voice, or practicing mindfulness for air; working with herbs and plant spirit medicine; spending time outdoors in natural environments to connect and ground; eating whole, natural foods as energy ‘medicine’; or tending to plants or a garden.
Remember that spiritual alchemy is an ongoing process that requires dedication, commitment, perseverance, devotion, and self-awareness. Be patient with yourself as you navigate the unfolding of your divine life path.
Home Sanctuary: Awaken Your Home
In April, we explored awakening and elevating our home sanctuaries as a means to ground, anchor, and thrive in our homes.
We learned to cultivate and invoke sacred vibrations within our living environments, exploring the power of intentional space tending and creation, energy-clearing techniques, atmosphere shifting, and spiritual practices to create a harmonious sanctuary that supports well-being and expansion on all levels. We learned how to infuse our homes with high vibrational energy, aligning it with our intentions, divine life paths, and personal growth and healing journeys. Awaken the potential of your living space as a sacred haven and refuge for healing, renewal, grounding, thriving, and high vibrational living.
Home Sanctuary: Awaken Your Home
Reflection Prompts
What are your current thoughts and feelings about your home? Do you feel it’s a sacred space or just a place to live? Are you mindful of its energy field and vibration?
Reflect on the energy of your home. Is it calm and peaceful, chaotic and cluttered, or somewhere in between? Is it organized or cluttered? Does it have a good flow throughout, or does it feel stagnant?
How do you currently tend to your living space? Do you have any rituals or practices for keeping it cleansed and energetically balanced?
Think about the different areas of your home (bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, etc.). Do they each have a specific purpose or intention behind them? If not, how could you infuse more meaning and intention into these spaces?
Continue exploring this theme by incorporating spiritual practices into your daily or weekly home rituals, such as prayers and blessings, energy clearing, intention setting, or burning candles with specific meanings.
Take note of any areas in your home that may need some extra love and attention. These could be areas that feel cluttered, neglected, or simply out of alignment with your desired energy. Make a plan to declutter and organize these areas, as physical clutter can often manifest as mental clutter and block the flow of positive energy.
Don't forget about the outside of your home as well. Incorporate plants or other natural elements into your space to bring in fresh energy and promote a connection with nature.
Remember that creating a harmonious and energetically balanced home is an ongoing process. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to have everything perfect all the time. Be gentle with it, start where you can, with what you have, and journey in grace.
Reintroduce Yourself
During the month of May, we went on a journey through (re)self-discovery to reintroduce ourselves. Why, you may ask? Because sometimes we need to remember who we are, what we stand for, how we’ve grown and evolved, and where we desire to go. And this sometimes requires letting others in your life get this essential memo.
We often get caught up in the auto-pilot, hustle and bustle of daily life, and forget to check in with ourselves. If we are not careful, we can lose touch with our true desires, true authentic selves, intentions, power, and passions and instead focus on meeting outside expectations. We can even feed and validate old subconscious programs and patterns that do not serve us when we aren’t mindful and haven’t taken the proper steps or path to come back home to our authentic selves.
But during this month, we took the time to slow down and reflect. We asked ourselves questions like "What outdated stories, limiting beliefs, or programs are running in my head that I need to release to vibrate higher, heal, manifest, or thrive?" "Who am I now?” “What do I value now?" “How have I changed?” “What needs to change around me, and how so?” "Am I living authentically?"
This theme is about allowing our truth, gifts, power, growth, and evolution to guide us, shape us, renew us, take up more space, and manifest new expanded opportunities and timelines in our lives. This is essential work on the divine life path.
You’ve done more work and have overcome more than you may realize. You’re more prepared than you realize. You’re more supported than you realize. The divine portal to expressing your next level of embodiment is here and open to you. Divine energy is with you, allowing you to receive more support than ever before in advancing forward while reintroducing yourself. Embrace it all!
Reintroduce Yourself
Reflection Prompts
In what way do you feel divinely inspired to reintroduce yourself?
What outdated stories, limiting beliefs, or programs are running in your head that you need to release to vibrate higher, heal, manifest, or thrive?
Are there any areas of your life where you feel stuck or stagnant? How can this theme of reintroduction help break through those blockages?
Are you living authentically? Who are you now? How have you changed?
What aspects of yourself have you been hiding or suppressing your authentic self, gifts, narrative, and truth?
How have you been playing small to avoid opinions, disapproval, judgments, or detachment from other persons and patterns?
What and who do I truly value now?
How can you show up more authentically in your life, relationships, community, or career?
What new opportunities, blessings, or experiences are you ready to manifest by reintroducing yourself?
Reflect on a time when you felt fully embodied and connected with your true, authentic self and divine essence. How can reconnecting to that feeling guide you on your journey of reintroduction?
What else needs to change around you, and how so?
How can you allow your gifts and truth to guide and shape your journey?
Continue exploring the theme of reintroduction by embracing the unique gifts and experiences that make you who you are. Live in your God-given power, growth, and authority. Look at reintroducing yourself as a powerful act of self-love, empowerment, and honoring the fullness of your inner conduit and its divine assignment and divine life path. Let nothing come in between this aspect of yourself. With all this shared, reintroducing yourself could mean coming back to your true self, reconnecting with your higher purpose, intentions, and divine life path, and living in alignment with your highest potential.
It could involve shedding layers of subconscious programming, limiting beliefs, and the judgments and opinions of others that may have been holding you back. Reintroduction can also be a journey of self-discovery and letting go of what no longer serves you, character-wise and habit-wise. It’s a chance to redefine yourself on your terms without the pressure, permission, or influence of others.
Let go of any shame or fear holding you back from fully expressing who you are: divine essence. Embrace the totality of who you divinely are.
Embrace the idea that this journey will constantly evolve and change as you continue to grow and learn more about yourself. Stay open-minded and curious, allowing space for new experiences and perspectives to shape your understanding of who you are.
Remember that reintroducing yourself is not only about letting go of who you no longer are but rather embracing and fully owning your authentic self and true divine essence and allowing them to live through you as a conduit in the world.
And as you continue on your ongoing journey of reintroduction, be gentle with yourself. It may take time to shed old layers and rediscover the fullness of your being. You are ever-evolving.
Also, remember that it's never too late to reintroduce yourself. You are constantly evolving and growing, and with each step you take toward your truest self, you open up sacred space for new possibilities and opportunities to find you and pour into your life.
Energetic Liberation VOl.1
June invited us to enter energetic liberation.
Energetic Liberation is a powerful theme to support us and journey forward with us throughout new and evolving timelines. Explore the divine and profound concept of Energetic Liberation. In this first volume of energetic liberation, we delved into freeing ourselves from energy attachments.
Entering into new seasons and assignments in life demands energy that resonates with the evolving timeline and assignment. Your energy plays a crucial role in maintaining divine alignment as you progress towards higher purpose, personal success, manifestation, and healing. This theme taught us how to liberate our energy to sustain higher alignment and frequency as we navigate through different seasons, stages, circumstances, energies, and callings of life.
As conduits, we are tasked with receiving, showing up, outputting, and taking action. Energetic liberation allows you to step into your highest timeline yet and embrace your inner power like never before.
Energetic Liberation
Reflection Prompts
What aspects of yourself or your life feel energetically or spiritually suppressed or drained?
How often do you feel connected to your unique sovereign, divine energy?
In what ways does your energy positively influence or hinder your ability to take action and make aligned choices?
Do you feel at home in your own company and energy field? If so, how? If not, how?
What and/or who do you need to release energetically?
How does having a sense of liberation impact your capacity for courage in pursuing change, expansion, tasks, and goals?
How does not having a sense of liberation impact your capacity for courage in pursuing change, expansion, tasks, and goals?
What practices or elements from our class and article will you integrate to liberate your energy?
What energy cleansing and restoring methods are working for you currently?
Continue exploring the theme of energetic liberation by being aware of the energies flowing around and through you daily. Keep reclaiming your power and sovereignty. Embrace the transformation and expansion that come from liberating yourself and stepping into your true, divine essence and authentic frequency, free of all distortions and undesired soul agreements, contracts, soul ties, and bonds.
Remember, we access and liberate our divine, energetic potential every time we come home to our true essence. Our true essence is always free, not bound up, kept down, or hindered. Remember to be gentle with yourself. Energy healing is a process that takes patience, diligence, care, and self-love. Each step you take towards energetic liberation brings you deeper into alignment with an authentic, fuller, empowered life. Stay connected to this sacred truth and path.
Narrative Liberation: Rewrite, Rise, Evolve Your Story
In July, we explored what deeply ingrained narratives have shaped our thoughts, actions, and potential.
Despite your best efforts towards success, manifestation, and our divine life path, limiting beliefs can hinder and sabotage your progress and keep you stuck in repetitive patterns.
There are stories deeply rooted in our past experiences that continue to influence our present reality until we break free from their energetic entanglement and old subconscious grip.
It's time to evolve beyond all narratives that no longer serve us and empower ourselves to rewrite our stories.
There are keys to liberating yourself from unsupportive narratives and helping you step into a new, empowered narrative that aligns with your higher alignment and true potential in various critical aspects of your personal life, career, and spiritual development. It's time to evolve energetically and create a narrative that no longer works against you but for you, propelling you forward toward a brighter now, tomorrow, and future.
Liberate, rewrite, and rise.
Narrative Liberation: Rewrite, Rise, Evolve Your Story
Reflection Prompts
What are the recurring beliefs or stories I tell myself or others that might be limiting my growth and expansion?
What past traumas or negative thought patterns and habits are you ready to transform or release from your mind, body, or energy field, even if doing so requires professional support and graceful, personal accountability?
Keep in mind that in terms of trauma or emotional suffering, what happened is not your fault, but thank goodness that within you lies the sacred power to choose what to do with it from here on out. How will you take the experience and transform it? What wisdom, strength, and clarity can be born from it?
Maybe, through inner reflection, you notice that even though the old story or narrative is still running in your head, it no longer has power over you. You are ready to consciously release it, rise above it, overcome it, and evolve your story.
Reflect on a past experience that shaped a deeply rooted narrative in your life. How does it affect your present actions?
What is one area of your life where you feel stuck or held back? What limiting beliefs might be contributing to this?
If you could rewrite any story about yourself, what would it be, and how would it align with your true potential and evolved self?
What does your ideal future self look like, and what beliefs do you need to release and adopt to step into that new version of yourself?
Take a moment to reflect: What would it look and feel like to create a new narrative for yourself, one that empowers you, aligns with your true essence, and allows you to move forward freer, with liberated and embodying confidence, courage, and clarity?
Continue exploring the theme of narrative liberation by becoming conscious of the stories you tell yourself about your life and abilities and where they originate from. Notice how, where, and when these narratives influence your actions and decisions. As you delve deeper into self-exploration, approach it with self-compassion and curiosity. Allow yourself space and time to process and release any old programming and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.
Remember that you have the power to rewrite your story at any moment. Your past does not define who you are or where you’re headed, and each day is an opportunity to create a new narrative for yourself. Embrace self-discovery and transformation as you liberate yourself from old narratives.
Path of The Conduit Vol. 2: Divine Assignment
In August, we focused on our conduit path through divine assignment.
Operating in your divine assignment leads to a life of true fulfillment, alignment, and acknowledgment of your soul mission; it’s also how you honor The Most High Divine as a conduit. By saying yes and taking action, you create portals and gateways to new realities and timelines.
Through our divine assignments on our divine life path, we discover more of ourselves, our abilities, and our gifts, and we witness our own creation and evolution unfolding.
Nothing heals stagnation or raises your self-value like becoming one with your divine assignment and embracing its divine alignment and timing in your life.
As soul beings, divine assignments assist us in fulfilling our divine destiny and positively impact and alter our eternal destiny for the better.
In terms of higher purpose and soul alignment, embracing your divine assignment is the pinnacle.
Path of The Conduit Vol. 2: Divine Assignment
Reflection Prompts
Reflection Prompts:
What does "divine assignment" mean to you personally? How do you interpret your current life path in connection with your soul mission?
Reflect on a time when you felt truly aligned with your higher purpose. What actions or choices led you to that moment?
In what ways have you honored your gifts and abilities as a "conduit" for something greater than yourself?
How do you currently approach stagnation in your life? Could embracing a higher purpose shift your perspective?
What new possibilities or "portals" could open if you fully committed to your divine assignment right now?
Continue exploring the path of the conduit theme by listing three areas in your life where you feel most aligned with your higher purpose. How can you expand these areas further?
Write about an experience where saying "yes" to a calling or task changed your life in a significant way.
Visualize how embracing your divine assignment impacts your sense of self-worth and fulfillment. Imagine your life fully aligned with your divine destiny. Take time regularly to visualize it, feel it, and expand into it through aligned action. Take action to move yourself closer to that vision.
Remember, while your divine assignment is about fulfilling specific tasks or achieving certain goals, it’s also about fully embracing and embodying your unique gifts, range, and talents to serve the world in a way that only you can. This will require releasing old patterns, beliefs, and fears that no longer serve your higher purpose. Trust in the process and know that by committing to your divine assignment, you become more aligned and abundant in other areas of your life.
You are the conduit who can do it. Embrace the unknown and surrender to the journey as it unfolds. As you step into alignment with your divine assignment, new opportunities will arise, doors will open for you, and you will access new timelines and powers dwelling within you. Stay open in your heart and mind posture and continue taking inspired action towards your vision.
Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom and Courage
September is when we confronted fear to navigate forward with divine courage, grace, resilience, and a newfound sense of empowerment.
Fear can become a great catalyst for uncovering our hidden gifts. Fear does not have to block, stagnate, or paralyze you any longer with its force. Evolve through it all. We must confront fear to find inner freedom, strength, authenticity, and courage on this path.
Many of us have been conditioned to view fear as a negative emotion, something to be avoided at all costs. But the truth is that fear can be a powerful tool for transformation. In terms of growth mindset and energetics, fear shows us which direction to go in. It forces us to step out of our comfort zones and face the unknown, which often leads to incredible growth and expansion. Think about it, every time we take a leap of faith and do something that frightens us, we come out on the other side stronger, wiser, more experienced and confident, and with a new level of understanding about ourselves and the world around us. No matter the outcome, this is a win, mentally, energetically, and spiritually!
Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom and Courage
Reflection Prompts
What’s your heart and mind posture? Straight and aligned or slouched?
What hidden gifts or potential are hiding behind your fears?
In what areas is fear holding you back from reaching your full potential?
If expansion requires moving in the directions you were once fearful of exploring, what directions will you move in going forward?
The Divine, through the universe, offers rewards for courageously moving in the direction you once feared.
When was the last you truly felt courageous?
What if you really honored the fact that confronting and overcoming fear is essential for growth and alignment with your true, divine essence and divine life path? How would that change your actions?
What is one small or big step you can take towards embracing courage this week?
Continue exploring the theme of demystifying fear by moving into it. Instead of shying away from fear, embrace it. See it as an opportunity to break through limitations holding you back from tapping into and accessing your true potential. The key is to shift your mindset around fear. Instead of seeing it as something to be feared and avoided, see it as a challenge to be embraced. It's all about changing your perspective and realizing that fear is not an obstacle but rather a stepping stone towards growth and alignment. So the next time you feel afraid, don't run away from it. Take a deep breath, have faith in yourself, your divine life path, and your abilities, and use that fear as a guide to elevate you and your consciousness to new timelines.
But how do we cultivate this mindset shift? How do we learn to embrace fear instead of avoiding it? One way is by understanding the concept of "the divine life path." The divine life path refers to our unique, higher calling journey in life, filled with ups and downs, challenges and triumphs, lessons, blessings, and miracles. It's not a straight line but rather a winding road that leads us closer to our purpose and fulfillment. It’s a sacred path and the most optimal path to take.
When we can see fear as part of the path, it becomes less daunting. We begin to understand that each step toward our fears is another step toward growth and alignment with our true selves. This is where we follow the yellow brick road. Therefore, fear is not an obstacle but a sacred guide on the path to living authentically. It calls us to step into our courage and determination, reminding us that this journey, even when challenging, is divinely designed. Honor fear as a teacher, embracing it as an integral part of your alchemical transformation: this is an essential part of spiritual alchemy. Holding space for your fears, doubts, and insecurities while transforming them allows you to walk forward with the most sacred care. Know this: you are enough, and the courage within you to face fear is a testament to the divine light within you, the growth you’ve manifested, and your divine ability to expand on your divine life path. Confronting fear is essential for spiritual and mental growth and divine alignment.
Remember, fear can hold us back from reaching our full potential. Confronting fear is how you step into your next chapter and evolve yourself. The more you confront fear, the easier it gets, and the more you’ll realize that it was never something to be afraid of in the first place. It's all about reclaiming your power and realizing that fear is only a temporary feeling, not a permanent state.
Keep your heart and mind posture straight and aligned, and re-align it when it’s slouched.
Path of The Conduit Vol. 3: Allowing the Conduit Within to 'Do It
October welcomed the return of a community favorite, Path of the Conduit. Within Volume 3, Allowing the Conduit Within to ‘Do It’, the series continued to inspire and captivate our hearts and minds.
In this volume, we continue our journey towards embracing and embodying the conduit within. As we’ve learned in the previous volumes, each and every one of us has a unique divine life path and assignment with a connection to higher energies, potential, and purpose.
Now, it's time to take that knowledge and make it a functional part of our lives by putting it into practice. This volume focuses on how to support our expanding and evolving role as divine conduits, using our body, psyche, and spirit to fulfill our destiny.
What is the ‘it’ you are called to do? This theme focuses on embracing and integrating your role as a vessel of divine energy, helping you navigate your unique life path and assignment with connection to higher energies, potential, and purpose empowering you.
Within your soul is a conduit of divine energy, waiting not just to be recognized by you but to actively shape the destiny you are summoned to. When you embrace your inner conduit, you are not just living; you are becoming the embodiment of ‘it’, the purpose, assignment, and divine destiny you are called to fulfill.
Path of The Conduit Vol. 3: Allowing the Conduit Within to 'Do It
Reflection Prompts
Here are some journal prompts for this theme:
How do you actively embrace and integrate your role as a vessel for divine energy?
In what ways do you feel connected to your divine life path and assignment as a conduit?
Can you identify any specific moments where you have felt empowered by the divine energy within you?
How do you navigate challenges or obstacles on your path with the help of this inner connection to higher energies?
Are there any areas of your path that you’re not allowing the conduit in to ‘do it’? If so, why and how can you surrender to divine flow?
Are there any challenges you face as a conduit, such as feeling insecure, self-conscious, drained, or overwhelmed?
How do you come back home to your true, divine essence when feeling disempowered or disconnected?
How do you balance your personal desires and goals with the divine assignment on your path?
Do you have any fears or doubts about fully embodying and embracing the role of a conduit? How can you release these fears and step into your power?
Are there any areas in your life where you feel resistance to being a conduit? How can you shift that resistance into acceptance and openness? How can you embrace the challenge?
What advice would you give your current self, who may be struggling to embrace your role as a conduit for divine energy?
How do you honor and work with divine energy as a conduit? How often?
What’s your favorite thing about being a conduit of divine energy?
Continue exploring the theme of allowing the conduit within to ‘do it’ by maintaining a clear and open channel for divine energy to flow through you. This requires self-care, spiritual care, mindfulness, and restorative practices that support your mind, body, energy, and spirit. Keep rituals in place to keep yourself aligned as a conduit. Protect yourself energetically while still remaining open to receiving divine energy.
Allow yourself to be a vessel for divine energy by letting go of any expectations and unhealthy attachments to outcomes, embracing your imperfections versus letting them block or hinder you, and releasing the need for control and outside validation or approval.
Remember, being a conduit is not about having all the answers all of the time. It’s about surrendering to the flow of The Divine and trusting that you will guided in the right direction at the right time.
As you continue on this journey, reflect on your favorite thing about being a conduit of divine energy. Is it the feeling of being connected to something greater? Is it the sense of purpose and fulfillment it brings? Or the ability to inspire and uplift others? Whatever it may be, hold onto those answers as you navigate through life's opportunities and challenges.
Remember also that you are more than flesh and bone; you are spirit, purpose, and power in the guesthouse of your body and life.
As you continue on your journey of self-discovery, self-realization, self-actualization, and spiritual growth, it’s important to remember that you are not alone in this process. You are a vessel of divine energy, constantly being guided, powered, endowed, and supported by The Divine, the divine realm, and the universe towards your highest potential and purpose.
Embrace the challenge! Remember who you are and change the game.
Amplify Your Radiance: Expand Your Wisdom, Beauty, Strength
November invited us to amplify our radiance by expanding our wisdom and embracing our divine true essence, beauty, and strength.
The number 11 holds powerful energy representing intuition, spiritual awakening, and manifestation. All ‘radiance’ energy! This theme encouraged us to tap into our inner well of knowing and being to trust in ourselves, our path, and our light. It’s a reminder that your inner light is capable of manifesting an evolved you, miracles and opportunities, self-realization, higher dimensional realities, and aligned connections that support our higher good.
Beauty is not just about our outer appearance but also about radiating divine energy, positivity, authenticity, and confidence from within. It's about taking care of ourselves mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually, as well as physically. True beauty is a holistic approach.
Amplify Your Radiance: Expand Your Wisdom, Beauty, Strength
Reflection Prompts
In what ways did you amplify your radiance this year? What aspects of yourself, your truth, and your gifts did you let radiate in beauty, wisdom, and strength?
What aspects of yourself, your truth, and your gifts have you been hiding or suppressing?
Where/how do you need to amplify your radiance and true power? Where do you need to turn up the voltage?
How can you show up more authentically in your life, relationships, community, online, skillset, education, or career?
In what areas of your life do you feel confident and ready to go to the next level, embodiment-wise?
In what areas of your life are you playing small, hiding, playing it too safe to avoid disapproval or judgment, or dimming down and dumbing down your light? Where do you need to amplify your radiance by ‘reintroducing yourself’ and true power, and how will you do it?
What new opportunities, blessings, or experiences did you, or are you, ready to manifest by amplifying your radiance?
Reflect on the time when you felt fully embodied and connected with your true, divine essence. How can reconnecting with that feeling help guide you on your journey of amplifying your radiance?
Are there any areas of your life where you feel dull, dim, dumbed down, or doubt-filled? How can amplifying your radiance help you break through these blockages?
How can you allow your inner radiance to guide and shape your divine life path journey?
Continue exploring the theme of ‘amplifying your radiance’ by delving deeper into the concept of fully embracing your true, divine essence and power and radiating it out into the world.
Think about how you can reintroduce your inner light to yourself. What parts of you have been neglected, offline, disconnected, or forgotten? How can you tap back into those aspects and allow them to awaken, shine, and become functional and free?
Amplifying your radiance is not just about outer beauty; it extends to spiritual growth and impacts those around you, too. As you shine brighter, you gain more confidence and capacity to radiate your divine gifts, divine assignment, and higher purpose in the world.
Take some time to celebrate your unique beauty, light, wisdom, strengths, and gifts.
Take care of yourself and nurture your own radiance. Take time for self-care, meditation, and reflection to recharge and realign with your inner light. Surround yourself with the things that deeply restore and charge you, uplift your spirit, fill your cup, and inspire you.
Remember, it is through embracing our true selves that we live life as our true selves. Your inner radiance is a reflection of your divine nature. Embrace it fully and allow it to guide you towards living a fulfilled and purposeful life.
And when faced with challenges or setbacks, remember that your inner radiance is always there, waiting to guide and support you. It’s a constant source of strength and light that can help you on your divine way.
Remember the power of your amplifying your radiance. Watch as your world transforms into a reflection of your own divine radiance.
Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey
December encouraged us to navigate and journey through the seasons of our lives with resilience and determination, connected to the hero within. You are more powerful than you realize. This theme invites you to access and embody who you really are on the hero’s journey: the hero of your life.
Whether the various seasons of our lives bring success and positive change or challenges and obstacles, resilience and determination are key to thriving on the hero's journey along with ‘The P’s’. As you prepare for your next level of success, growth, and healing, remember the beauty and strength that lie within you and have brought you this far.
The hero within you knows that every season brings its own lessons, energetics, and opportunities for growth and expansion, and it knows what to do and how to serve your highest good.
This theme encourages us to realize, connect with, and call upon the power of our true, divine essence, purpose, and faith in all seasons and situations. Within this theme, we explore The P’s: Posture, Power, Perseverance, Play, Pivot, Progress, and more.
Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey
Reflection Prompts
In what ways did you thrive through various seasons of this year?
What aspects of your 2024 hero’s journey are you most proud of?
Reflect on the times when you felt fully embodied and connected with your inner hero. How can reconnecting with that feeling help guide you through the upcoming seasons of your divine life path?
What is your heart and mind posture regarding you being the hero of your life?
What is your heart and mind posture in the face of opportunity or challenge?
Do you take courageous, aligned action, or do you passively or even defeatedly sit on the sidelines of your hero’s journey and life?
What will you choose? The path of least resistance or the yellow brick road? Comfort and stagnation or positive challenge, expansion, and transformation?
Are you the protagonist or the antagonist in your own life story right now? Even if the way forward is unclear right now, which one do you choose? Which now are you embodying? Which one do you see yourself embodying in 2025 and beyond?
Continue exploring the theme of thriving through any season on your hero’s journey by stepping up and taking forward, aligned action. Choose courage. Choose divine alignment. Choose aligned action. Choose what amplifies your radiance and growth. Choose your divine life path. Choose to live a life you're proud of embodying, not one of playing small, hiding, self-defeat, self-sabotage, or compromising. The choice to traverse the seasons of your life as the hero of it allows you to live the full range of your power and access greater capacity and attributes of your authentic self and divine essence.
Remember, the true test of character lies in seasons and moments of opportunity, uncertainty, or challenges.
At any moment, you have the choice to rise, answer the calling, courageously step into the arena, and take aligned action. Inaction breeds regret and stagnation, while courageous steps and action cultivate growth, expansion, evolution, and fulfillment. The rewards are immeasurable.
When faced with opportunities, challenges, or setbacks, remember who you are. Remember that growth is not a linear process. Embrace the twists and turns along the way as opportunities for learning, reference, application, practice, and expansion.
Remember that your inner radiance and hero are always there, waiting to guide and support you. They are a constant source of strength and light that can help you in a divine way.
Join us on December 18th, @ 6 PM PT for the VHD Practice
Lalah’s Personal Reflections, available this Saturday, December 15th
Declarations, PDFs, available this Saturday, December 15th
VHD Year-End Review
meditative Question
“How will you continue building upon your achievements and goals from this past year?
Finding Common Threads in the twelve Themes We Covered in 2024
Divine Life Path
Path of The Conduit Vol. 1
Spiritual Alchemy
Home Sanctuary: Awaken Your Home
Reintroduce Yourself
Energetic Liberation
Narrative Liberation: Rewrite, Rise, Evolve Your Story
Path of The Conduit Vol. 2: Divine Assignment
Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom and Courage
Path of The Conduit Vol. 3: Allowing the Conduit Within to 'Do It
Amplify Your Radiance: Expand Your Wisdom, Beauty, Strength
Thrive Through Any Season: Essential Tools for the Hero’s Journey
Authentic Self-Expression and Connection: Themes like "Reintroduce Yourself" and "Narrative Liberation" emphasize embracing and redefining your true story.
Inner Liberation: Topics such as "Energetic Liberation" and "Demystifying Fear" guide individuals toward freedom from limitations and fears.
Sacred Space and Intentional Environment: "Home Sanctuary" explores creating environments that reflect and support spiritual awakening.
Spiritual and Energetic Alignment and Higher Purpose: The themes "Spiritual Alchemy" and "Path of The Conduit" focus on connecting with a higher purpose, self-realization, self-actualization, and allowing divine energy to flow and transform your life.
Rising into Cultivating Your Power and Inner Hero: Themes such as "Amplify Your Radiance" and "Thrive Through Any Season" offer tools for resilience, courage, action, and growth in all aspects of life.
Together, these themes inspire holistic transformation, alignment with purpose and your true essence, and rising and thriving through your powerful life.
In Closing
These themes show us how our spiritual journey at VHD School has been a symphony of growth, self-discovery, and deepening. As we integrate the lessons learned and insights gained, may we carry their wisdom and medicine into our hearts, subconscious minds, and journey in 2025 and beyond. These invaluable insights and tools will undoubtedly continue to shape our journey as we move forward.
Stay tuned for the upcoming 2025 VHD School themes, content, updates, and more that will further enhance your development, well-being, growth, development, and spirit throughout the new VHD school year.
Remember, the journey is ongoing, and every step we take to vibrate higher aligns us with our higher potential, divine essence, power, and divine life path.
We send you warmth and divine love!
Lalah and India
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