Lalah’s Reflections on Narrative Liberation
Narrative Liberation: Personal Written Reflections + Declarations
Lalah shares her process and experience on Narrative Liberation and offers a view into her personal, professional, and spiritual experience and journey.
Through a series of carefully crafted declarations, we’ll declare and affirm purpose and intentionality as break free from energetic entanglement and subconscious grip outdated narratives may have on us. Our themed declarations will serve as guiding principles to navigate your journey to Narrative Liberation.
Ever asked yourself: “What is my story?”, “What internal stories am I giving fuel and power to by still believing in them or allowing them to represent me, block, or stop me?”, and “How can I rewrite my story and use it as a powerful tool for growth, healing, transformation, and expansion?”
As I explored deeper into these questions, I unearthed layers of narratives that had been ingrained in me since childhood. These beliefs and perceptions shaped how I saw myself and the world around me.
I used to feel immobilized by the stories running my life and mind. For far too long, I lived unconsciously, on autopilot, and disconnected from my truth and power, story-wise. Through the path of vibrating higher daily, I stopped limiting myself. With each step towards self-discovery and higher vibrational living, I started shedding old stories and embracing new ones. Stories of empowerment, healing, and liberation transformed into my new miraculous way of life.
I was ready to get in the driver’s seat of my life.
Ain’t no way I’d be here today, in my power, had I not reclaimed my ability to lead myself and life forward. I had to fire all the drivers in my life who were seeking to steer me in the direction they wanted, story-wise.
For a very long time, it felt oddly good to have other people manage my narrative because it temporarily freed me from the responsibilities and fears that came with owning my story and doing something about it. But deep down, I began to realize that I couldn't keep relying on others to tell, steer, or direct my story for me. I needed to take back control and liberate myself from all narratives imposed on me, limiting me, not authentic to me, and not aligned with my higher good or truth.
It all started when I stumbled upon my first mentor in healing, known simply as ‘Dr. B’. His powerful words and teachings about self-love, authenticity, and reclaiming our power resonated deeply with me. It was a wake-up call to realize that I’d been living in a state of victimhood, allowing others to dictate how my life should be lived.
So I decided to take matters into my own hands and actively work towards rewriting my narrative. This wasn't an easy journey, as I had to confront my deepest fears and insecurities. But through the graceful process of self-discovery and self-acceptance, I was able to break free from the stories that were holding me back and hostage.
I started by acknowledging and owning my past experiences, both the good, the cringey, and the messy and raggedy. All of it. Instead of trying to hide or continue burying my experiences and story, I chose to embrace them as part of my unique story. This allowed me to finally see how each experience shaped me into who I am today, who I am becoming, and how even my most awkward and debilitating experiences were all important pieces in my journey towards healing, higher purpose, and conduit-ship. There was nothing more freeing than finding this lesson, blessing, and connection to a higher purpose in my story.
There’s nothing anyone can hold over me or use to manipulate me or control me since I’ve made peace with my past and fully accepted myself. This is the power of coming home to ourselves through grace, self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-realization, it gives us the confidence to stand strong in our truth, lived experiences, and authenticity, no matter what anyone else may think or say.
What a deep relief and homecoming this is for us all.
Beloved one, my prayer is that you do not allow anyone to hold anything over you or control or manipulate your sacred narrative.
Fig. 1 Your story is vast and part of a bigger picture.
In the process, I also let go of any external expectations and societal norms that didn't align with my self-value and beliefs. This meant breaking away from unaligned relationships and setting boundaries with those who didn't support my growth and well-being. You know, the kind of folks holding onto old narratives and outdated versions of who I used to be. It also meant letting go of societal pressures to conform to the norm and instead embrace my unique journey, purpose, and divine life path.
Through this process, I discovered the powerful practice and benefits of gratitude and self-forgiveness like never before. Gratitude for all the lessons and experiences that shaped me into who I am today, even the hard-knock, rock-bottom, and painful ones. Implementing forgiveness for others for any hurts or wrongdoings along the way has also been very liberating. Critically liberating.
When we trust in the divine timing and alchemy of our journey, that’s still unfolding, we become spiritually and energetically available to receive all that is meant for us. As we let go of resistance and fear, we allow ourselves to flow with the current of our divine life path, ultimately leading us to higher potential, timelines, and purpose.
I also learned to let go of comparison and embrace myself. Instead of constantly comparing myself to others and their stories, I focused on loving and accepting myself for who I uniquely am.
Our narrative and story are stored in our subconscious mind, where, they steer our perspective and actions according to the beliefs we have adopted about our stories and selves.
When limiting beliefs surface through the stories I tell myself or others, regarding my current life, past, or future, my spiritual alchemy work is to become aware, mindful, and conscious of the story that’s running and recognize it as a story and subconscious program that no longer serves me and choose to rewrite it to serve me. In that critical moment, choosing to liberate my narrative is the alchemy. This is the powerful way I take control of my life and create a more empowering reality.
With all I’ve been through, my story on any given day can either be one of empowerment or one of limitation. I deeply choose the former. I choose to tell a liberating narrative that allows my life to not just overcome and survive, but to expand and thrive.
It’s a self-care and mindfulness practice to be sure that my story doesn’t lead me down a pathway of constant self-criticism and doubt, causing me to lose sight and touch with my unique journey and the higher purpose, lessons, and potential that are birthing out of it all.
It takes courage to let go of old and new limiting beliefs and fears that hold us back from taking action. But by doing so, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and dimensions.
As we reclaim our power to create positive change in our lives from any narrative, we become the authors of our own story, rather than passive characters in someone else's narrative or a disempowered narrative originating from within ourselves. We can pave a new story path that aligns with our evolved self and truth, as well as, our new and updated timeline agreements. I have learned that this is where true growth and transformation occur.
Supportive Quote
“I was ready to get in the driver’s seat of my life.”
Doubt can be a major obstacle on our path towards living our purpose. It can cause us to question ourselves, our abilities, and our deepest desires. But we must remember that doubt is just another energy and thought pattern that we can choose to pattern shift and reprogram. We have the power to cultivate faith in ourselves, in The Divine, and in our divine life path.
By releasing doubt and embracing trust, we open ourselves up to receiving guidance from within. I’m in awe of how our intuition becomes stronger the more we liberate ourselves, connect with it, and tap into universal wisdom streaming through us to guide and expand us forward.
Fig 2. Be unblocked and blessed.
Most of my healing was subconscious reprogramming regarding my perceptions and interpretations.
It's important to recognize that our true power lies in how we choose to perceive and interpret ourselves and the events in our lives. We can reshape our reality by choosing empowering thoughts and beliefs over limiting and defeating ones. In my book, Vibrate Higher Daily, I reference this as tuning our inner radio to the right frequency. When a limiting belief pops up, turn the channel for better ‘reception’.
For example, instead of seeing failures as defeats, we can change the channel by viewing them as opportunities for growth and learning. Instead of comparing ourselves to others or seeking validation from external sources, we can focus on our own unique journey and trust in our own path and light. Instead of feeling like a victim of past or present circumstances, we can tap into our higher mind, spiritual strength, and energetic resilience to overcome challenges. Instead of allowing limiting subconscious beliefs to run the show on autopilot and stop us, we can come back into our bodies and consciously choose new, empowering beliefs and thought patterns that align with and reflect a liberated narrative. And, instead of allowing fear to paralyze us from taking aligned forward action, we can lean into our courage and trust that the universe is always supporting us on our divine life path as we rise up and take aligned forward action.
What if rather than feeling like ‘it is what it is’ when it comes to our circumstances and life, we realize that we are co-creators of our reality? This is the power of reclaiming our narrative. By shifting our mindset and perspective (changing the channel), we step into a more empowered, conscious way of living.
In essence, our perception and interpretation of reality is a powerful tool in creating the life we either desire or settle for. By actively choosing to rewrite our story and embrace a more freeing narrative, we give ourselves permission to manifest abundantly. I broke free from the chains of my old narratives and stepped boldly into a life of conscious co-creation. This is a sacred practice that I deeply give thanks for.
Being more and more mindful of our thoughts and beliefs, we shift our mindset from one of limitation and lack to one of abundance and possibility. This doesn't mean ignoring or denying the difficulties and struggles in life, but rather approaching them with a heightened and elevated perspective and using them as opportunities for growth.
Here at VHD School, I emphasize the importance of taking ownership of our reality by actively choosing how we perceive it and respond to it. We are not powerless victims of life’s circumstances, we are powerful co-creators through intention, awareness, aligned action, aligned beliefs, and conscious pattern shifting. We have more power than we can imagine.
It may not always be easy or comfortable, but choosing to liberate our narrative allows us to jump timelines. It gives us the freedom to magnetically flow and pursue what truly brings us purpose, meaning, and alignment.
On your divine life path, your story is unique and deserves to shine in its own unique and divine way. I know how intimidating it can be not knowing how you’ll be received when you take your power and story back or use them in a new way that now propels you forward versus holds you back. But trust me when I say, the world is waiting for you to unapologetically step into your light and narrative and share them in a heroic and purposeful way.
When I first started on my own journey, I was afraid of what people would think. Would they judge me? Would they understand? But as I began to embrace my true self and share my story, something amazing happened, people resonated with it and were inspired all the more to vibrate higher daily in their own way and right.
That's when I realized that my journey and healing weren't just for me, they were also meant to inspire and minister to others along their unique path.
Remember through it all, you are a conduit; your unique experiences, struggles, and wins have all shaped you into who you are today. Embrace all of you and all of what made you. Embody your fully integrated self and don't let anyone dim your light or make you doubt yourself. You have a powerful story and testimony to share, don’t hide it, or allow it to block and stop your light. Stay in the spiritual alchemy of it all.
And please, please, please, don't be afraid to follow your heart and pursue your passions even with what you’ve been through, or better yet, especially with what you’ve been through. You can’t even imagine all the amazing opportunities that come your way as you take a leap of faith to liberate yourself and share your gifts with the world.
Keep liberating your narrative and writing your own story, informed by lessons, blessings, bravery, passion, overcoming, and higher purpose. And also humor, because soul laughter is energy medicine and has the potential energetically, to dissolve shame. We don’t do shame, we do grace and alchemy!
And always remember: what makes you different is what makes you beautiful. Embrace your story’s uniqueness and use it as a platform to shine and spread your conduit light!
As with our VHD theme, Energetic liberation, Narrative Liberation is an ongoing process and journey, requiring daily awareness and intention, alignment, spiritual alchemy, and conscious pattern shifting. Through these practices, we continue stepping into our highest selves and timelines yet and embracing the infinite potential dwelling within us. May this reflection serve as a testament to the transformative power of narrative liberation and as a beacon of hope for you as you too embrace your journey and higher alignment.
May the mighty power of The Divine, your divine life path, and your divine essence strengthen you and sustain you.
Narrative Liberation
Narrative Liberation
Decrees and Declarations:
I reclaim my narrative and liberate it.
I am energetically blessed on every timeline and in every dimension.
I am evolving into my highest timeline self yet.
I am a master of narrative liberation.
Aligned with my true, sovereign essence and higher purpose, I am more and more powerful, whole, and successful.
Any narrative or story that does not serve my highest potential or good is released.
All limiting beliefs or fears that hold me back are dissolved.
I release the energetic-need to play small.
My narrative is one of love, abundance, strength, resilience, aligned action, and higher purpose.
I trust in the power of my beliefs and feelings to shape my reality.
I am grateful for my journey as it has led me to this moment of empowerment, liberation, and higher purpose.
Today, I embrace my true essence and walk boldly towards my greatest visions and desires.
I am a powerful being capable of creating infinite possibilities.
With every step, I reclaim more of my power and become masterful with manifestation.
My narrative is ever-evolving, and with courage, I rewrite it as needed.
I evolve to align with my divine life path.
I am a co-creator of my reality and I shape it intentionally.
I am energetically free to evolve and expand.
Continue reading these declarations daily to strengthen your subconscious mind with expanded beliefs and intentions. As you repeat them, envision yourself stepping into your highest timeline self with each one.
Supportive Quote
“It’s important to recognize that our true power lies in how we choose to perceive and interpret ourselves and the events in our lives.
We can reshape our reality by choosing empowering thoughts and beliefs over limiting and defeating ones.”
COVERED IN Narrative Liberation CLASS
Life will seek to unfold to your current, most emotionally aligned, and believed narrative.
Awareness. Acute awareness is the beginning stage. How am I telling my story? Is it a tragedy or a triumph? Is it a story of defeat or of overcoming? Is it a victim’s story or a hero’s story?
Catch yourself in moments where you’re giving your power away through how you’re speaking, believing, or feeling about your story.
What new narrative is waiting to grow out of your old story and be told with a fresh, new, and evolved way and perspective?
Liberating your narrative is how you take your power back.
This came to me: Your narrative is GPS input. GPS: Guided Pathway to Success. What will your GPS look and feel like moving forward?
Your indwelling alchemsit:
Your inner alchemist wants to teach you how to move forward instead of backwards and how to transmute what you’ve been through
The voice is an alchemist
The subconscious mind is an alchemist
Your actions are an alchemist
Your patterns are an alchemist
Your perspective is an alchemist
Downloadable PDFs
Narrative Liberation Declarations
Now you can work even deeper with Narrative Liberation with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the jounal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.
*The Set includes Declarations + Journal
Narrative Liberation Journal
Now you can work even deeper with Narrative Liberation with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the jounal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.
*The Set includes Journal + Declarations
In Closing
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Supportive Tools, Reads & Mentions
Upcoming/Previous/Supportive VHD Content
Watch the Narrative Liberation Evolve Your Story: Rewrite to rise, liberate, and empower yourself class replay
Download the Narrative Liberation PDFs + Journal Prompts PDFs
Watch the Narrative Liberation practice replay
Watch the Conscious Pattern Shifting class
Watch the Spiritual Alchemy class
Watch the Divine Life Path class
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Signaling a New Timeline, by Lalah Delia
A Journey Home, by Lalah Delia
Inner Gardening Care, by Lalah Delia
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