Lalah’s Reflections on Reintroduce Yourself
Reintroduce Yourself Personal Written Reflections + VHD Declarations
Lalah shares her process and experience with Reintroducing Herself and offers a view into her personal, professional, and spiritual experience and journey.
Don’t Disqualify Yourself Anymore!
“Don’t disqualify yourself anymore!” I received these words in my spirit, and they reverberated deep within my soul and mind, penetrating with enough divine force to create new neural pathways that awakened me from a deep state of lost identity. For too long, I existed under the weight of a debilitating subconscious program that deprived and restrained my authentic expression in the world.
Bless my heart.
I used to feel held back from truly evolving, embracing life, and enjoying life. Instead of fully living my life and thriving in it, I was energetically crippled by a constant state of fear, low self-worth, and limiting beliefs. The subconscious programming of “who I was” was at an extremely low level frequency and vibrational-wise. The limited range of beliefs I once had about myself and life kept me feeling disqualified and out of the game of life. It was as if I was stuck in a state of vibrational bankruptcy. My life was too much and not enough all at the same time. I had too much power when it came to playing small and keeping myself safe in my comfort zone but not enough power when it came to to breaking the cycle, breaking free, and rising. I needed my power to power right and correctly. Can you relate?
When spiritual alchemy entered my life to dissolve this programming and set me on my divine life path, I went through every metaphorical terrain and weather I wrote about in my book Vibrate Higher Daily. The way my life and I completely shifted through the alchemical process was an answer to prayer; it was a literal miracle. From this posture and experience, I realized that I was the ‘life-saver’ I had been looking for. My life was saved from total self-destruction, self-sabotage, self-betrayal, and low self-worth. The Divine served up a divine intervention through spiritual alchemy. It was my job and assignment at the time to surrender and say yes to the life-saving and life-changing alchemical processes, and I did! My power began powering correctly.
What used to block me energetically, as in what I’ve been through in life, my narrative and story around it, and my subconscious beliefs, have all become some of my greatest assets in life, work, and in spirit. They no longer limit me or block me but rather set me free to fully embrace and experience my true self and its range, my inner power and its strength and radiance, and my divine life path and its higher potential and purpose. Blessings, abundance, expansion, life, and relationships are also now free to show up in new, divinely aligned, and guided ways.
This is no longer the timeline where I disqualify myself because of what I believe or because of what I’ve been through.
And you, this is no longer the timeline where you disqualify yourself because of what you believe or what you’ve been through.
This is the timeline where we reintroduce ourselves: expanded, evolved, and free.
Reintroducing Myself
For years, like actual decades, I didn’t know who I was. I had no clue I was the ‘Lalah Delia’ of today, the one writing this article in the present moment in her power, from her authentic self and higher purpose, unfolding, thriving, and growing on her divine life path.
I was unstable in my view of myself until I woke up out of the hypnosis my subconscious mind was under. With every brave step, I met more of myself. I met new parts of myself that fear never allowed me to access, explore, or appreciate. I transformed into new versions of myself that I never got to be or explore before. I reintroduced myself and continue to do so as I shift to new, higher timelines and assignments.
It finally clicked in my mind that this is what spiritual and divine alignment and ascension work are greatly about.
As I moved forward, it also clicked into place that what other people think of me is not part of my divine assignment or purpose. And so, through consciousness pattern shifting, subconscious reprogramming, and spiritual alchemy, I stopped having an emotional charge regarding what other people might think. This was critical in putting myself out there, showing up authentically from the new program and timeline, and taking forward action when it came time to reintroduce myself and show up.
Whenever old feelings of doubt or limitation show up, I recognize what program is running in my mind and subconscious mind, and I make a shift to a higher timeline and program where what other people think of me, fear, and limiting beliefs are powerless; where I give them no charge to have power over me. Where my power is powering the right way. I don’t give any of it the ability and permission to create distortions or illusions in my life anymore. It’s the distorted thinking and illusions that we get caught up in, blinded by, and trapped, blocked, and stuck in. The goal here is to acknowledge that none of this is yours, and as you bravely continue to re-introduce yourself, you are releasing all of it. Take forward to grow and unfold.
The right people and community will get you and the special things you are here to do. That’s how you’ll know. They will not judge you. They will see and respect your divine assignment and alignment. They will resonate with it and even love it and find value in it.
Divine alignment always lets you know what’s real. Anyone who is not on this wavelength is not your concern or part of your assignment and purpose.
Supportive Quote
“This is no longer the timeline where you play small or dim your light.”
Building Capacity: Empower Your Growth Through Capacity Building
Building capacity is an important part of growth in reintroducing yourself and showing up. It will require something more or something new of you, but that’s what expanding and evolving are all about. Expand your lotus petals.
As I journey into building and nurturing my capacity, I focus on creating a supportive structure both internally and externally, including my personal sanctuary at home. My choices in nutrition, surroundings, environment, vibrational alignment, and spiritual practices are all intertwined, shaping and supporting my ability to flourish, evolve, and tap into my divine essence.
In moments when I push myself further or step into new territories, I inhale the affirming words, "I will not abort mission," and with each exhale, I affirm, "I got this."
Realizing that I was much more prepared and equipped than I thought, believed, or felt I was internally was a pivotal moment. The insights, wisdom, and experiences I absorbed on my journey thus far have transformed me, expanding and restructuring my energy and spiritual capacity and propelling me toward growth, higher purpose, and readiness.
When it was time to bring my work to pass or fully embrace my higher purpose, new embodiment assignment, or personal life interactions, my preparedness and capacity carried me. Even on days when things don’t go as planned, my capacity for resiliency steps forward and carries me through.
How about you? Are you allowing your growth to grow your life? Are you allowing your expansion to expand your life?
The reintroduction process is us rising into our higher developed self and operating in it and from its new capacity and resiliency.
Are you ready to fully embrace this new chapter of evolution?
The process of reintroduction signifies our elevation and commemorates our bold step into the new version of ourselves.
My goal and intention of operating from a place of heightened capacity and authenticity is ever-expanding as I expand. For further support, I connect it all to my higher purpose, which keeps me inspired, accountable, and on track.
Take a moment to define your intentions and set clear goals. Understand the purpose behind expanding your capacity and how it will support and change your life.
Rise Dear One
Fear no longer holds the power to hinder my progress. My dedication to my purpose and assignment outweighs any fear that attempts to restrain me. Advancing forward, moving ahead, and making progress stand as priorities that surpass all obstacles, particularly fear.
Here’s a question I ask myself:
With my current mentality, beliefs, and embodiment, am I divinely reparenting myself to be who I never got to be, or am I enabling myself to play small and remain defeated, hidden, or stifled by fear and limiting beliefs?
Feeling confident in my divine assignment, embodiment, and gifts came from by taking forward action. Even when I didn’t have all the answers and couldn’t see the outcome, I surrendered and journeyed into the great unknown. I entered the fog and liminal space, no longer allowing them to destabilize, discourage, or disorient me. The way forward became clear, and I became more and more strengthened on the path as I traveled it. I replaced self-betrayal with the power of saying yes to myself and what’s best for me. This also meant I had to learn the power of saying yes to my calling in each season and trust every time I am called to reintroduce myself on a new timeline.
This is how we create divine forward movement, flow, momentum, and progress. It’s how we get unstuck.
As you reintroduce yourself to your current season, timeline, relationships, career, and assignment, keep in mind that your embodiment will look different than before; you will experience and display a different version and new levels of expression of yourself. Feel the awkwardness, imposter syndrome, and inner tension that may arise. Don’t back down. Don’t fold. Go with it. It’s expanding you. This is transformation and alchemy. This is the WERK and the goal!! So, stay in alignment and on assignment.
The following acronym channeled through me this week, and I give thanks. It fully embodies the VHD philosophy:
Rising, I Shift Everything
Reintroducing myself, I Shift Everything
Praying that helped your spirit as much as it helped mine!
In Closing:
It was You All Along; You Are The One You’ve Been Waiting For
You’ve possibly been living life from the vibrations of disempowerment (giving your power away), distortion (out of alignment with your truth, authentic self, true soul identity, and higher awareness), or discouragement (not connected to your true soul’s power, courage, or divine inspiration).
You’ve been waiting for a life-saver, yet not realizing that it’s you. YOU ARE THE LIFESAVER you’ve been waiting and praying for. You are the beacon you've been seeking. It all begins with you accepting and activating the divine call to reintroduce yourself in purpose and connection with how your life seeks to divinely flow, unfold, and expand.
This is the era where your elevation and level-up game takes front and center stage in your life. And from here on out, it’s giving liberation and implementation of your true self, true soul identity, radiance, true soul power, and divine gifts and attributes. Give fear a job; its job is to alchemize and transmute into forward action, progress, and expansion.
There are levels of abundant possibilities, growth, opportunity, and success available to you only as you re-introduce yourself from the new, higher timeline you are called to attain.
You’ve done the work; you are now ready. It’s time to R.I.S.E. and shine, beloved!!
Your path forward is illuminated by the rework you’ve already done. You've braved the transformation. The rest of the way now is ‘grow as you go.’ May you embrace the journey and assignment ahead with courage. May you embrace the deserved and earned new you.
Thank you for reading and sharing this sacred space. Continue to work with this page and theme’s contnet to deepen your support around Reintroducing Yourself. The tools are here and available to you anytime.
We have more for you!! We go even deeper into this month’s theme in our VHD practice on May 24th. Join us!!
Keep scrolling for the declarations and PDFs.
Reintroduce Yourself
Fig. 1 Reintroduce Yourself
Reintroduce Yourself
Decrees and Declarations:
I understand the assignment.
I courageously reintroduce myself.
I am safe in my new embodiment.
I am energetically and emotionally free and sovereign.
I am the one I’ve been waiting for.
I am the beacon I’ve been seeking.
I am the conduit who can do it.
The expansive traits I desire to embody come to me as I take forward action.
I embrace forward action and advance forward.
I believe in myself and in my capacity.
I am ready and prepared.
The Divine, the universe, and my guides empower me and support me in my assignment.
My environment supports me.
My emotions, beliefs, habits, patterns, and mentality support me in showing up as my evolved, expanded self.
My emotions, beliefs, and patterns support me more and more each day.
I recognize what program is running in my mind and subconscious mind, and I make a shift to a higher timeline and program.
Stepping into my true, authentic self and worth is a light and inspiration to others.
I manifest abundance, well-being, expansion, and success by reintroducing myself.
I am transformed.
Rising, I Shift Everything
Reintroducing myself, I Shift Everything
Supportive Quote
“R.I.S.E = Rising, I Shift Everything
R.I.S.E = Reintroducing myself, I Shift Everything”
Downloadable PDFs
Reintroduce Yourself Declarations
Now you can work even deeper with Reintroduing Yourself with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the jounal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.
*The Set includes Declarations + Journal
Reintroduce Yourself Journal
Now you can work even deeper with Reintroduing Yourself with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the jounal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.
*The Set includes Journal + Declarations
Explore More VHD ArticleS
In Closing
Thank you for reading!! I invite you to chime in and leave a comment, thought, or question below ~
Supportive Tools, Reads & Mentions
Upcoming/Previous related VHD Content
Watch the Reintroduce Yourself Class replay
Download the Reintroduce Yourself PDFs + Journal Prompts PDFs
Watch the Reintroduce Yourself Practice replay
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
Inner Gardening Care, by Lalah Delia
Signaling a New Timeline, by Lalah Delia
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