Lalah’s Reflections on Demystifying Fear
Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom Personal Written Reflections + Declarations
Lalah shares her process and experience on the path to demystifying fear and offers a view into her personal, professional, and spiritual experience and journey.
Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom
This has been a path of deliverance. Overcoming fear has been a central theme in my personal growth, career development, healing, and spiritual evolution. For many years as a young adult, fear was present in how I showed up power-wise in relationships, be it with friendships, partnerships, and family. For too long, fear kept me confined, living in an inner prison, and as an energy being, I was living a very low-voltage, disempowered life. My light, sense of worth, and agency were very much subject to whatever people, situations, or circumstances were in my life. I was not in my power.
The most complicated part of my life in the times I was not ‘vibrating higher and living my power’ was the constant struggle with my well-being digestion-wise, depression-wise, energy level-wise, and overall vibrational-wise. I was always tired and drained. I was struggling with chronic depression. My body and mind were energetically out of alignment and struggled to function optimally. Fear, an energy and force that I didn’t know how to manage, persisted, creating a thick fog on my path, and I couldn’t see my way forward through it for years.
Reflecting on my journey to where I stand today, I’m reminded of the profound shifts and transformations that have shaped every aspect of my being since embracing the spiritual alchemy and subconscious mind work of demystifying fear.
I have expanded and evolved through:
Devotion to living on my divine life path
Honor and dedication to the necessary alchemy and process that transforms and heals
Taking the steps that lead toward expanding growth
Self-determination that led to self-actualization and self-realization
Through these modalities, I was able to overcome countless fears, rebirth myself, meet a new me, and evolve into my higher embodied self. But I had to awaken and create a pathway in my life. This was essential for my true divine essence to emerge and shine through in the proper and sovereign energetic space required as a conduit and healed soul and vessel.
My intention in writing this piece is to offer you, my fellow conduit, insights into how you, too, can let the light of your true divine essence shine and illuminate from within at the capacity and voltage necessary for each day, each goal, and each divine assignment given to you.
I’ve discovered that courage grows as we grow. Introspective questions I ask myself are: How are you helping courage take root in your life? How are you cultivating it? How are you growing it? How are you watering and nourishing it in this season of your life?
I found that many things in my daily life have the effect to either nurture courage self-esteem or deplete them. Likewise, my daily life has the power to feed fear or overpower it. There are deliberate actions that lead us to self- empowerment. It’s a lifestyle! More in this article about it all. Keep reading for more!
May 100% of your courage be cultivated, awakened, and accessible to you.
Fig. 1 Journey in courage.
Demystifying Fear On The Divine Life Path
In watering the seeds of my career with courage and faith, I’ve learned that fear can act as a barrier to our progress, stifling our potential and limiting our abilities to create the life, reality, and timeline we desire. By embracing courage and aligned action, I’ve accessed new pathways and opportunities that align with my divine life path.
Embracing Alchemy & Change
Trusting in the alchemy of transformation has been a powerful force in my life. Embracing change, challenges, and the process of growth has allowed me to tap into my true essence and strength and align with my higher purpose. The rewards of transformation are not just external successes but also internal shifts that profoundly bring about healing.
Alchemy is a cathartic process or metamorphosis.
A Different Embodiment
In releasing who I am not to embrace and embody my true divine essence, I’ve found new joy, sense of self, and greater alignment that resonates in all aspects of my life.
Devotion to my divine life path, along with devotion to being a clear vessel for my higher purpose and divine assignments, have allowed me to navigate challenges and opportunities with integrity, wisdom, purpose, and strength.
Healing comes in many forms and with many purposes. I have discovered the nourishing effects of feeding myself courage and honoring the process of expanding through taking aligned action. Integrating this holistic approach to well-being has strengthened and healed not only my mind, body, and spirit but also the financial and experiential aspects of my life.
Nutrition plays an essential role in my empowerment and conduit journeys. Utilizing herbs and healing foods for empowerment, courage, and emotional healing has helped me maintain balance and resilience in facing challenges, opportunities, and assignments. As we know, food can either carry a high or a low vibration and affect and impact us accordingly. Since we are what we eat, high-vibrational, power-giving foods must be for me. This is where I personally choose natural and whole foods over junk foods and foods filled with personal power-sapping, emotional and hormonal disrupting, mind power-depleting chemicals and ingredients. As a highly sensitive soul, my body responds to everything I eat and consume. Foods made from The Divine do not rob us of our strength, power, sense of self, direction, or courage; they hold the power to amplify our light, strengthen, and fuel us.
Supportive Quote
“Sending love to the part of you that’s ready to use your courage and gifts as medicine.”
Vibrational Alignment and Awareness
Understanding the vibrational aspects of my existence and what helps me thrive versus not thrive has been eye-opening. By aligning with energetics and magnetics that create a harmonious environment within me and around me, I’ve been able to elevate my personal frequency, expand in courage, overcome fear, and attract expansion, growth, and positive experiences and connections into my life. This is night and day from how I used to live when I wasn’t in my power and didn’t realize or remember my full potential, authentic self and essence, or higher purpose and divine life path.
The more you move forward, the more you move forward. Taking aligned action is how you outsmart fear. This practice propels us forward on our path. By learning to override fear through taking aligned forward action and stepping into my power, I’ve expanded and opened myself up to boundless possibilities, progress, and growth. This is where we feel the fear and do it anyway because it’s progressing us versus stagnating us by keeping some aspect of ourselves or our lives blocked. Taking aligned, forward action is like having the keys to turn on the engine of your life, allowing you to move and advance forward on your journey to greater and higher timelines.
Functional Conduit, Ability-Wise
I became aware that as a conduit for divine energy and a devotee to my higher path and potential, I had to embrace the journey and practice of confronting fear. This realization and practice became essential for my growth and alignment and for my ability to be an effective and functional conduit.
Subconscious Mind Work
Reprogramming my subconscious mind, building new brain circuitry, and expanding in courage have been instrumental in my personal empowerment journey. There was no way I could live a new life and do a new work while remaining the same subconscious-wise. I realized it was time for me to elevate subconscious mind wise, and so that was what I focused my attention on and do so daily. Regularly I look for ways to expand and I also stay mindful of any signs I may have become blocked subconsciously or need to make adjustments, shifts, and changes.
Finding My Strength, Identity, and Resilience
I spent years looking for my true sense of strength, identity, and sense of resilience. And I also spent years living in illusion, in a convincing and cozy comfort zone. To bottom line it, doing the very things I once feared, is how I found my true strength, identity, and resilience. I met more and more of myself as I pushed beyond my limits and comfort zone, confronted fear, and took risks. I embraced vulnerability and took risks that challenged me to step out on faith, and show up and grow.
Through facing fear, I uncovered the depth of my courage and discovered the power within me to overcome obstacles with unwavering determination and resilience that I never knew were possible for me.
Each obstacle I conquered served as a stepping stone towards self-discovery and empowerment. I thankfully even realized along the way that perceived failures are wins. It’s the practice of taking action that counts and also grows, expands, and evolves us.
With each necessary step forward, we unravel layers of fear, uncertainty, and self-doubt, revealing a resilient spirit that was waiting to be embodied and waiting to guide us.
Vibrational Alignment & Awareness
Having an introspective reflection on the influence of my daily habits and practices on my overall energetic alignment and well-being has changed my life miraculously. Recognizing the impact of my choices and being mindful of maintaining vibrational alignment has been empowering and has helped me make conscious decisions that support my alignment and overall growth. This also helps me stay accountable to self.
I shared above that I found that many things in my daily life have the effect to either nurture courage or deplete it. Likewise, my daily lifestyle has the power to feed fear or overcome it and to align me with my power and block me from it. There are deliberate actions that lead us to empowerment and disempowerment. Knowing the difference, makes all the difference!
Doing more of what helps me stay aligned vibrationally be it food and nutrition, the information I consume, things I’m energetically exposed, boundary work, daily practices and rituals, and what I focus on and give energy and attention to, are all influencing how vibrationally aligned I am. Whether we are vibrationally aligned or not, overtime, the dominant direction of our vibrational alignment is guiding our lives. Being mindful of when I am out of alignment helps me make better decisions that put me back into the proper flow of energetics and alignment.
Somatic Work, Psycho-Physical Connection
The body responds to our thoughts, subconscious beliefs, and life. In understanding the somatic or psycho-physical connection between fear and the body, I’ve learned to listen to the signals my body sends and pay attention to its responses. This is also a tricky place where if we’re not careful the feeling of temporary fear can make us think that we need to stay in a comfort zone that we are meant to outgrow. And so doing the work of outgrowing and expand out of comfort zones will eventually give us a much better response, body and mind wise in the long run. The payoff is worth it!
Any unconscious patterns that hold me back cannot continue to exist.
Since what we experience mentally and emotionally is experienced and felt in our bodies, not just our minds, in this context, overcoming fear is liberating to our bodies. And this type of inner liberation can lead to abundant growth, healing, and alignment. With that shared, I feel into what my mind and body are experiencing as I journey, explore, and grow. I support what is needed.
It’s a journey, not a race
Through personal agency and a commitment to walking my divine life path, I continue to explore and deepen my understanding of the strength, courage, and the limitless potential that resides within me. Each step taken in the direction of fear and not away form it, is a step towards liberation, growth, and expansive manifestation.
The path of vibrating higher daily is a true reflection of courage in action and at work in ourselves and on our divine life paths.
May you continue overcoming fear, embracing courage, and aligning with your divine essence.
demystify fear: A Path to Inner Freedom
Demystifying fear
Decrees and Declarations:
I am a functional conduit for divine energy.
I courageously embrace the journey before me, expanding my subconscious mind and actualizing my higher potential.
I take aligned action, which propels me forward.
My courage positively transforms my life, career development, and spiritual evolution.
Devotion to my divine life path and to self-determination is propelling me forward.
By embracing courage and aligned action, I create new neural pathways aligned with my higher potential and purpose.
Embracing courage allows me to tap into my true essence and strength
Being aware of how my daily habits affect my energy and well-being helps me make choices that support my growth and alignment.
Through somatic work and honoring the psycho-physical connection within me, I listen to my body's signals and support its needs.
Each step taken towards courage expands and liberates me.
My journey is one of embracing my full potential.
Miracles and wonderful opportunities are abundant in my life.
My actions cultivate strength, identity, and resilience.
By aligning with high vibrational energies and habits, I elevate my frequency, overcome lower frequencies, and attract change and positive experiences into my reality.
Courage is my constant companion on the journey towards self-actualization and self-realization.
I respond to life with divine courage.
I walk my divine life path with agency and I explore my inner strength.
I am open and receptive to divine guidance and wisdom that aids my journey.
My courage inspires others to embrace their own path of self-discovery and empowerment.
I am a beacon of strength and resilience, shining brightly as I navigate life with grace.
I am ever-evolving.
Continue reading these declarations daily to strengthen your subconscious mind with expanded beliefs and intentions. As you repeat them, envision yourself stepping into your highest timeline self with each one.
Fig. 2 100% Access
Supportive Quote
“I am the conduit who can do it.”
Downloadable PDFs
Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom Declarations
Now you can work even deeper with Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the journal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.
Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom Journal Prompts
Now you can work even deeper with Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom with our all-new downloadable and printable PDFs. You can download the journal only or the set, which includes declarations and the journal.
*The Set includes Declarations + Journal
*The Set includes Journal + Declarations
In Closing
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Watch the Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom, Courage, and Aligned Action class replay
Download the Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom, Courage, and Aligned Action PDFs
Watch the Demystifying Fear: A Path to Inner Freedom, Courage, and Aligned Action practice replay
Watch the Conscious Pattern Shifting class
Watch the Reintroduce Yourself class
Watch the High Vibrational Embodiment Pt. 6: Sacred-Flexibility class
Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power, by Lalah Delia
No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering, by Thich Nhat Hanh
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway: Dynamic Techniques for Turning Fear, Indecision, and Anger into Power, Action, and Love, by Susan Jeffers PhD
Sacred Sound
Signaling a New Timeline, by Lalah Delia
Freedom From Shame, by Lalah Delia
Ritualize Your Joy, by Lalah Delia
Golden Light Activation: A Daily Session For Healing, by Lalah Delia
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